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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. User Aizen333 has as signature an image hosted in university(cs.cornell.edu) that requires you to log-in there, in order to see it. That's why that message appears. Though, don't insert personal data there.For your own good. I informed him to remove it, we can't do something else.
  2. locked. To neo topic NAeinai Sta agglika
  3. Cleaned. Stop criticizing this way, if someone wants, he will buy it. It's not a R&C thread, it's a Sales one.
  4. why not
  5. True love
  6. Reptant_


    Greece is currently gmt+3 (gmt+2 + 1 summer time)
  7. http://www.aganaktismenoi.smfnew.com/index.php?topic=3.0 . . .
  8. Εκανες topic και στο αγγλικο, οποτε αυτο κλειδωνει.
  9. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=209249.0
  10. Ειναι αναλογα την ωρα που κλεινει το 24ωρο, τωρα κλεινει στις 13:00 αρα τυχαινει και το βλεπεις στο 100%
  11. Πριν το ddos φταναμε γυρω στους 1600+ καθε μερα
  12. Αναρωτιέμαι ποιος ήταν ^^
  13. Νιce weapon, i had thought about something like this in past :P
  14. Try installing an antivirus( eset.com 30 day trial or avast.com free) and full scan your PC If this doesn't help, format ::)
  15. Αρκετα με αυτου του ειδους topic, εχουν γινει πανω απο 15 τον τελευταιο χρονο...
  16. Chucky Norris
  17. More than 2.000 pure people, but i don't expect extraordinary numbers , since C5 seems 'too old' for some people.
  18. When there are threads to be moved by a Global moderator i don't reply, just to know. This makes the whole things easier
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