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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Και αυτο σημαινει οτι θα μπουμε σε εναν server με αθλιο balance/economy/ lol donations και με ενα απο τα πιο retarded community ever που τον ακολουθει οσους σερβερ και αν ανοιγοκλεισει;
  2. Ye, you are right.Too bad i 've never played duelist @ a L2Off server, so what i said was based at L2J :( http://forum.lineage2dreams.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=12781
  3. πχ, πας σε ενα σημειο της giran, και περιμετρικα απο εσενα σε ενα Χ radius που οριζεις εσυ ή ειναι προκαθορισμενο, σου δινει τον αριθμο των npc/ user
  4. Θα ηταν καλυτερα μια εντολη που να checkarei τους players/npc σε ενα Χ radius, οπως σε L2Off ισως ειναι μια προκληση για εσενα :)
  5. Δεν μπορω να εκφερω γνωμη καθως δεν εχω μπει. Αλλα ενταξει ετσι και αλλιως δεν μου αρεσουν οι Freya servers :( Btw τα Εpic Jewels ποσο ευκολα τα παιρνεις; Γιατι ειδα αυτο.. http://l2gang.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=58
  6. Ενταξει πρεπει να εισαι τρελος για να μπεις και στους 2, μονο L2 δεν λεγεται meng >< Παλιωσαν και αυτοι, καλυτερη επιλογη imho ειναι Dreams x10 GF L2Dex x10 GF Κανας ρωσικος που ανοιγει συντομα, οχι απο τους προαναφερθεντες.. L2revolt ειναι καλα στημενος αν θες Freya Mid rate
  7. Dagger's blow attacks are based at Critical Damage( And STR/Patk at Gracia-Not at Interlude) and their Critical is a pure 2x of normal
  8. It doesn't work like dagger attacks For example, with Triple Sonic Slash Normal damage : 1000 Critical:2.000 With AQ & Baium normal : 1000 with AQ & Baium Critical: 2.500 (just an example) Actually 15% each with is equal to 32.5 % in total.
  9. I don't know but i actually can't find any good reason i like mxc, and only negatives come to my mind :-/
  10. Lets say some truth besides what's beeing said at your website L2 Revenge was an old mid rate server You opened a lol java server (Gracia) at 2009+, and you are calling it's from 2006 with a fake date at your Home Page. You call yourself an experienced developer while most of your servers are made from our Dev Help section. I have no problem with you personally, just with the guys that are lying to public.
  11. Ηλιθιο fix που δεν προκειται να δουλεψει μιας και γινεται και με party. + ειναι ενα απλο code, οποτε οπως λενε τα rules , κλειδωνει. ΥΓ: Last warn για το flame εδω.Για ολους
  12. Tag στο ελληνικο section; ... ΗliakOs θα το δοκιμασω λιγο πιο μετα, καθολου απιθανο να δουλευει
  13. Well not rly.There are many russians(i guess ) that don't have russian letters at their name. Though, these with the russian letters are 100% -_-
  14. Agree about Corruption, DS|Panos4ever* (an Ex-GM) had a total GM Char(Fully enchanted gear/epics/skills etc).He was even hero, and he was selling char some days ago.
  15. Reptant_

    interlude L2silent

    Why should someone waste his time and 'money' to this server, that is nothing more than a bought pack from someone, with classic features that he finds everyone, and play just for 2-3 weeks farming till death, when servers starts dying and closes when it gets ~200 players? And from that 700 people, many are buffbots/offline shops... I don't know why you guys still support these people, that open a server with minor development cost(time and money) just to get some money and eventually close it to re-open with the same features in some months ?
  16. I am gonna close it. If you can't even use your mind and search, and just ask for help without doing that, don't dare to open a topic in this section again.
  17. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=122985.0
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