This list( which is actually the friendlist loading in sidebar) is affected by many things, putting there people that you 'most likely chat with'
This is affected by many things( you visiting their profile, vise versa, chatting with them, tagging, likes etc)
Also it's not like 5C is cheap, just 5S is way too expensive.
But if you are going to give a fortune for a mobile phone, giving 850 instead of 750 euros(for example) is worth :D
I don't think a poll like that would really change anything in what maxcheaters uses( i don't even think you made the topic for that reason) , and strictly judging SMF and IPB, IPB is way better than SMF.
Also, maxtor posted the differences between the 3 board systems(smf vb ipb) in a topic, which explains pretty much all their advantages/disadvantages