if he advertising that adr will work 99% server and max after 2 days will be done new updates and later its not working 1 week...? rly whos fault is this? HIS ? or maybe ppl who sell this to him? i dont care... he is selling smth which should work as he advertise... and he fails so that s why thread is here... for ppl who consider buying from him... i said" i dont knowexaclty is it his fault or maybe adr developer..." i dont care... just want to ppl know what happend and so they can think about is it worth... thats it
OK guys, i bought adr for the first time and i dont know exaclty whos fault is that but this from fAkeN working by only half time, rest of time is me askin on skype for help and listening for stupid answer all the time like: server? will be working in 2 days. After 2 days same question but he got history of conversation so its stupid. and bot not working .....
SO BE CAREFULL, its only 11euro but still WHAT A UNPROFFESIONAL...
got adr which pass this new server l2novel but problem is: when i enter l2 with adr FPS drastically DROPPED = not possible to play normally, any idea how to change it? problem only with this server, other tales etc work ok?
unfortunatelly, Gm change rules and half of server leave;) not even half of this 300 online is true... Some players also said about he proposition to give QA ring etc, dont kknow if its true but still, smells baddd
guess its not worth,
one stupid (or not) question, is it possible in adrenaline to make spot protection i mean, when anyplayer outside party close to me f.e in distance 500 i use (someskill)force and pk? is it possible to make it on adrenaline or i must write script to do that? thx for answers
but is it over? or isnt? couse i ask friend to log in game yesterday and he did it no problem... and i cant log in 2 days... so.. how is it? w sumie polak to po polsku dokoncze? sprawdzeone info ze beta sie skonczyla? a jesli tak to kiedy?
dear l2holiday owner i need ur help... i tried all the way to connect to your server (ur system, l2h5reinstalation... and still when i try to write id and pass its said that loggin in and NOTHINK happend... any idea what should i do? btw no bots program etc...
ps. btw i can donwload and connect to any other l2 server with their system... but when i donwlonad ur ... nothink happend... just stuck in loading screen
that depend on net speed and believe not everyone have possiblity to download in 20min.. i get it after 2hours with my net connection... and i rly believe (knowing many ppl playin games with me and their connection) that waiting so long only to get few critical and finally cant connect......
(OS : Windows7(32) 6.1 (Build: 7601)
CPU : AuthenticAMD AMD Athlon II X2 255 Processor @ 3114 MHz 4095MB RAM
Video : NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 (2049)
PosCode : LS1(273) 0:0:0 2/0 [721]
General protection fault!
History: UNetworkHandler::Tick <- Function Name=SSQInfoPacket <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop
....after many tries THAT THIS CAN BE REASON FOR SO FEW ONLINE ;P anyway gl... i hope u c that i rly tried to check ur server... but it was impossible