Hi i made this Cammy outfit is for FFighter only
All credits to my dear Cuthberth :P
i try, but do not work the part that i delete have a black texture.
i have photoshop v 8.0.1 and NVIDIA Photoshop Plug-ins do not work in my photoshop.
somebdy have the plugins for photoshop v 8.0.1 or other program for do this?
Problem fixed close the topic.
you dont understand me i need that share the files LineageAccessory.ukx and LineageAccessoryTex.utx from gracia epiloge or freya client I do not want that adapt for me
i found a page to download close this topic.
man look
[share] BFG 9000 Doom3 V 1.0 [interlude] Updated
« on: April 23, 2010, 05:14:25 PM »
i find the way 7 day after but thanks for help
Hello i need a guide for make textures of NEW Skeletal Meshes, in this forum i read all texturing guides but dont help me.
Can somebody post anything usefull?, a guide or a tip...
im working in a cool effect for this weapon and a cool ammunation
its not huge if you play any Doom you see that is ok the size
Note: BFG means Bio Force Gun or Big Fuc**** Gun :P
you have a close mind, its not funny or original take a dark legions a make it red a put FIRE dark legions ...
its better l2 gta, l2 counter or l2 Doom to only a re-texturing mods ...
I'm working on a huge ball of explosive energy instead of arrows :P