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Everything posted by Cuthberth

  1. Hi i made this Cammy outfit is for FFighter only download http://www.mediafire.com/file/dthllyihymt/SF%20IV%20CAMMY%20OUTFIT%20%28FFighter%20ONLY%29%20for%20IL.zip All credits to my dear Cuthberth :P
  2. thanks to you. :P I downloaded 500 mb and is free of virus and spywares instead of the torrents with the files.
  3. A nice page for download the files you need. I'm not sure which chronicle is. Gracia Final maybe. Here is the link http://update.l2online.az/
  4. try go to C:\DOCUME~1\pa4o\LOCALS~1\Temp\RarSFX1\temp\weapongrp.txt and delete the weapongrp of temp folder. Maybe work, but copy it just in case. ;)
  5. are you sure that is the .dat and the fileedit are of the same chronicle? if not is very odd. EDIT sorry in dont read :P
  6. when you save you see this window you have to chose the right code, example for IL 413
  7. bad encryptation code
  8. i try, but do not work the part that i delete have a black texture. i have photoshop v 8.0.1 and NVIDIA Photoshop Plug-ins do not work in my photoshop. somebdy have the plugins for photoshop v 8.0.1 or other program for do this? EDIT Problem fixed close the topic.
  9. Somebody can teach me how to delete parts of textures and what program i need, to make it transparent. I put a picture of what i want "vanish".
  10. you mean the shoulders? For IL no are adaptations because they use 2 animations its posible I think adapt them but no one share the files to do it
  11. you dont understand me i need that share the files LineageAccessory.ukx and LineageAccessoryTex.utx from gracia epiloge or freya client I do not want that adapt for me EDIT i found a page to download close this topic.
  12. I need the files of accesories (animations and systextures) from gracia epiloge or freya.
  13. thanks i will try EDIT: SoFaKi and 3lackheart thanks for the help now works fine :D
  14. no :P i gonna try :'( i have the same problem
  15. i made a weapon and try to do textures, in 3ds max works fine but in L2 only the half is ok. can help me? http://i39.tinypic.com/fx5lds.jpg[/img]
  16. the textures and animations of weapons and armor have been modified or updated between chronics?
  17. man look [share] BFG 9000 Doom3 V 1.0 [interlude] Updated « on: April 23, 2010, 05:14:25 PM » http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=141769.0 i find the way 7 day after but thanks for help PLIS CLOSE THIS TOPIC
  18. Hello i need a guide for make textures of NEW Skeletal Meshes, in this forum i read all texturing guides but dont help me. Can somebody post anything usefull?, a guide or a tip...
  19. cool share you turn a little and cute girl in a demon i like it. the hair color is very good.
  20. im working in a cool effect for this weapon and a cool ammunation its not huge if you play any Doom you see that is ok the size Note: BFG means Bio Force Gun or Big Fuc**** Gun :P
  21. omg!!! good work im waiting for IL the bow and the shield are amazing!!! +1 karma :P
  22. good share. thanks for the second i have it but it changes me intelude for kamael :P im gonna use your skin :)
  23. you have a close mind, its not funny or original take a dark legions a make it red a put FIRE dark legions ... its better l2 gta, l2 counter or l2 Doom to only a re-texturing mods ... I'm working on a huge ball of explosive energy instead of arrows :P
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