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Everything posted by Cuthberth

  1. LOL osama. do Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler face an have full of LOLS!!!!!!!!!!
  2. looks cool but you can post bigger pics ?
  3. Devangell™ keep the work i wanna go to castle sieges with tanks and flame throwers :P
  4. very nice i like the valakas wings ... the valakas head is included ?
  5. very strange shield why have "wings" and a hole ... anyway is a good work
  6. nice shields i like Aslan Shield :P
  7. very nice armor i like the colors ... why the name Intact Armor ?
  8. lineagemonstertex4.utx is not IL texture what client is? plis can share the .dds or .tga ???
  9. it is the problem i have doom 3 and expansion but i cant find how to extract :(
  10. hello i have fond the animation of a Lion in LineageMonsters.ukx LineageMonsters.lion-m00 of IL chronicle but i cant find is texture. can share it ? or can teach me how do it?
  11. in Doom 3 and Doom 3 ROE but i cant find a way to export the md5 files ...
  12. Anyone has any weapon of Doom series a FGB of Doom 3 or something like that??? plis share
  13. thanks for re share this armor is really beautiful
  14. i do seems to work but dont export nothing... i have umodel program and the ukx in same folder ... MODIFY i use other Umodel and works ;D :-[ sorry for double posting :-[ MODIFY 2 thanks critical it works but is static ... :'( if somebody can share in this post http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=139067.0 i try to do the soulders or dynasty armors for IL :P
  15. i post a image is in bad position :P I use the texture of Majestic Heavy Armor FFighter.FFighter_m010_t83_u Modify the code (i do it fast ::)) 1 789430 0 3 4 3 0 Dropitems.drop_raid_master_m001_a LineageAccessoryTex.raid_master_m001_a_t00 icon.armor_t83_ul_i00 4294967295 10 13 0 0 18 1 Hombrera1.Hombrera1 1 FFighter.FFighter_m010_t83_u 1 1 1 Hombrera1.Hombrera1 1 FFighter.FFighter_m010_t83_u 1 1 1 Hombrera1.Hombrera1 1 FFighter.FFighter_m010_t83_u 1 1 1 Hombrera1.Hombrera1 1 FFighter.FFighter_m010_t83_u 1 1 1 Hombrera1.Hombrera1 1 FFighter.FFighter_m010_t83_u 1 1 1 Hombrera1.Hombrera1 1 FFighter.FFighter_m010_t83_u 1 1 1 Hombrera1.Hombrera1 1 FFighter.FFighter_m010_t83_u 1 1 1 Demonic.appela 1 FFighter.FFighter_m010_t83_u 1 1 1 Hombrera1.Hombrera1 1 FFighter.FFighter_m010_t83_u 1 1 1 Hombrera1.Hombrera1 1 FFighter.FFighter_m010_t83_u 1 1 1 Hombrera1.Hombrera1 1 FFighter.FFighter_m010_t83_u 1 1 1 Hombrera1.Hombrera1 1 FFighter.FFighter_m010_t83_u 1 1 1 Hombrera1.Hombrera1 1 FFighter.FFighter_m010_t83_u 1 1 1 Hombrera1.Hombrera1 1 FFighter.FFighter_m010_t83_u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hombrera1.Hombrera1 1 FFighter.FFighter_m010_t83_u LineageEffect.p_u002_a 1 ItemSound.itemdrop_leather ItemSound.itemequip_armor_wood 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  16. do mean that do the UKX in 3ds max?? dont? ... you are sure that put the utx in systextures, and the correct name in weapongrp ... something like that happens to me but red textures not white, posible is a problem when save the animation... first of all re make weapongrp and look if xxxxx.xxxx (texture) is correct
  17. thanks i find other way i use L2UKX and save .obj but the finished item have RED textures ... any clue???
  18. thanks for adaptation you saved me the work :P still only for FFighter?
  19. the problems is that umodel only open the ukx somebody can help me?? how i do the .bat? the cmd dont work it says spanish english Help plis note: i have 3ds max 8 and all programs in that guide http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=109376.0
  20. I need that somebody share the clean archives of all characters (Fighter, Magic, DarkElf, Elf, Dwarf, Orc, Shaman and Kamael) from Systextures and animations.
  21. Thanks SoFaKi your work is very cool :)
  22. using UnrealED open with UnrealED and extract like .dds and using NVIDIA dds utilities convert to .tga using UT Package Tool select texture, use right click stract as image in the menu an select First MipMap as TGA good luck ;)
  23. good share!!! cool weaps!! thanks for share
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