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Everything posted by Cuthberth

  1. Hello i need the textures of event_birth_alegria_m00 because my utx file is broken. can somebody share it in .bmp, .tga or .dds?
  2. Hello can somebody share the .utx with the textures or tell me how is the name of the file?
  3. wow nice work dude!!!
  4. Call of Cthulhu - Dark Corners of the Earth :P
  5. severance Blade of Darkness (a veryyyy old hack and slash, but the best game ever!!!)
  6. lineage 3 doom 4 diablo 3 duke nukem forever!!!!!! 8)
  7. the problem is with the file LineageAccesorytex (in the academy circlet)
  8. very cool weap dude
  9. problablemente o las animaciones o texturas esten en la carpeta equivocada. revisalo (las .utx van en systextures y .ukx en animations)
  10. what sql files use? sql - lin2love or sql?
  11. cool share. in the pic the armor of the medium have the shoulder or is part of the armor?
  12. great work, i have this weaps for CT2.3 but hi hate addapt :P
  13. hello can somebody share a Gracia Final System without virus. In this topic the file is infected http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=69451.0
  14. probably you need. i said, that i have this error although reset my pc (its insane that uses 2 gb of ram), and i use the server 2 or 3 days before...
  15. when it gets to Siege of Giran ... its appears... Loading zones... Initializing ArenaManager Initializing TownManager Initializing OlympiadStadiaManager Initializing CustomZoneManager Initializing FishingZoneManager Done: loaded 133 zones. Siege of Oren: Sun Aug 08 16:00:00 VET 2010 Siege of Giran: Sun Aug 08 16:00:00 VET 2010 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space i reset my computer, the wampserver, etc. but its the same ??? What can i do?
  16. Happy birthday btw im leo too :P (1st August :) ) Btw2 nice armor!!! dwarf male awesome!!! Feliz cumpleaños
  17. very cool share dude. im gonna need another hard disk drive to download all :P
  18. cool i can find it Thanks!!!!!!!
  19. aca esta, solo falta modificar las texturas. here is, just need to edit the textures. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=133594.0 :P
  20. Cool share, plis can share in mediafire or 4shared, in rapidshare is very slow :'(. Also... . . . . . . . . why Germany :o
  21. I need a guide or help for mod MeshAnimation, i wanna add the "new" social actions to old Chronicles.
  22. Use UnrealED, Utx Fixer for CT1, l2endec and UTPT.
  23. Hello i need a clean system folder, or the files engine.dll and system.dll
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