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Everything posted by DreamWeaverGR

  1. exw walker gia ton CYAN aplws gia kapoio logo opote to trexw dn fwrtwnei to game
  2. aftos einai enas c5 server p anoikse molis xthes.xrhsimopoiw thn ekdosh 1.78 IG walker kai token 0.47.exw ta ekshs provlhmata:wrong file size.afto to parekampsa vazontas to official l2.exe mono p twra to game dn ksekinaei.dn m vgazei sfalmata oute crasharei aplws dn ksekinaei
  3. emena m tous anevaze to walker ;) ps:me kalypsate estw kai an dn yparxei kati
  4. to thema dn einai mono to spasimo tou crystalou.einai oti o crystalos dn anevenei grade eykola.mporei na anevei me thn mia grade me ton p ton xrisimopoiiseis mporei omws na fas kai wres mexri na anevei einai kai afto thema tyxhs opws ta enchant? EDIT:an ginete afhste to thread anoixto se periptwsh p kapoios kserei i vrei kati sxetiko....
  5. oxi aplws rwtaw na mathw an yparxei
  6. psaxnw na dw an yparxei kapoio patch p na deixnei pia mobs anevazoun grade ta soul crystals kai pia ta spane. ps:ekana search alla dn vrhka kati paremferes
  7. ti einai to warez forum?
  8. • Discussion of illegal activities such as software and music piracy and other intellectual property violations are not allowed.
  9. n apo edw katevase thn trial version:http://www.download.com/Adobe-Photoshop/3000-2192_4-10011172.html kai apo edw to keygen:: http://rapidshare.com/files/36491430/adobephotoshopcs2_zuZUNPzZfHs.zip.html einai to cs2 omws cs 3 dn exw vrei akoma :(
  10. dn exw vrei katholou script gia to quest tou artisan opote eftiaksa egw ena(ftiagmeno ston bnb):http://rapidshare.com/files/36127675/Artisan_Quest.SEC.html ps:einai to prwto script p ftiaxnw opote an exei merika lathh peite m na ta diorthwsw
  11. me voi8isate poly loc plz
  12. loipon exw dei se diaforous server pws ta enchanted weapons mporoun na exoun diafora xrwmata pera apo ta ka8ieromena mple kai kokkino.epishs ston server p pezw (bnb) ena palikari peirakse ena arxeio (env.int) to opoio allazei ta xrwmata se kitrino,mov,k.l.p mipws yparxei kapoio programm gia na allaksw ta xrwmata twn enchanted oplwn monos m?
  13. Wtb Art Of Batlle Axe blades
  14. Vrhka afta ta L2J tools.dn kserw an einai gia c4-c5 h pws douleyoun pantws elpizw na sas fanoun xrhsima. http://rapidshare.com/files/17085507/Lineage_2J_Server_tools.rar.html
  15. thn epoxh p kolouses ta sub prin kleisei.kai pistepse me kserw na ksexwrizw an einai hero i oxi......
  16. se kapoion server pou eixa peksei paliotera (dios c4) htan kapoios p enw dn htan gm,mod klp eixe vrei tropo gia na ginei gm kai emfanizotan sto community san gm.yparxei kapoio programma gia na ginei kati tetoio se l2j servers?
  17. vrika pws sto hosts files xreiazontai oi parakatw grammes.exoun kamia diafora me aytes tou alex?(me tis parakatw grammes emena m douleye xwris kanena prob) localhost vip.tt2xz.com vip1.tt2xz.com vip2.tt2xz.com vip3.tt2xz.com vip4.tt2xz.com vip5.tt2xz.com vip6.tt2xz.com vip7.tt2xz.com
  18. Do you use the invisible script from hlapex or what?
  19. You can do that by using L2 IG Walker.Just press Basic,Other Ctrl,Show/Hide Game Window and l2 will go to clock icon
  20. bnb is fixed so that hlapex doesn't work :( emena to mono pou mou evgaze htan ena mynhma pou elege:reconsider what you are trying to do action logged
  21. koita m8 egw dokimasa kai douleye kanonika to bot (IG) ston bnb
  22. I managed to coonect too.but the only hack that worked was the say2...
  23. It doesn't work on bnb (c4 retail verion).A message sais:Reconsider what you are trying to do.Action logged.Any help on this?
  24. I am currently playing on bnb server (l2 c4 retail version) and i am looking for a money exploit. BTW i tried using a bot but it doesn't connect.
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