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Everything posted by l2Storm

  1. I use windows 8 and when i install all visual basic filles server start
  2. Just go to Your "jre7\bin" folder and copy "client" folder and change the name of copy to "server"
  3. I have the same problem with server terminated. Anybody know what is wrong?
  4. Nice share Man
  5. Tell Us more about pack and ect. Then we can help You.
  6. http://forum.l2service.com/ it is Vanganth website ask Him
  7. Put it without VIP status
  8. L][Osiris x 45 Interlude full off server http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5f7vM6OK5c Rates: - Exp: x45 - SP: x45 - Adena: x75 - Spoil: x7 - Drop: x5 - Seal Stones: x5 http://l2osiris.net Not java Retail C4/C5/Interlude Features: - Interlude Client Supporting - Fishing (From C4) - Raidbosses (From C4) - Seven Signs (From C4) - Castle Sieges (From C4) - Noblesses & Heroes System (From C4) - Clan Wars (From C4) - Community Server (From C4) - Max Level 80 (From C5) - C5/Interlude Clan System (From C5) -> New Clan levels 6/7/8 by giving reputation points -> Subclans (Academy, Royal Guards, Order of Knights) -> Clan Skills - Demonic Sword Weapons (Zariche and Dual Akamanah) (From C5) - Divine Insiration passive Skill. (From C5) - 3 Skill Action Bars (From C5) - Hero Skills (From C5) - Weapon Augementation (From Interlude) - Primeval Island (From Interlude) - Shadow Weapons (From Interlude) - Duelling System (From Interlude) - Symbol Skills (or level 80 skills) (From Interlude) Custom items: - Epic Dark Knight Armors - Dynasty Armors and Weapons - Titanium Armors
  9. There is php code for TOP 50 PVP, PK <? $ip = "your database ip or name"; $user = "user"; $pass = "password"; $db = "lin2world"; if($_GET['orderby']) $orderby = (int)$_GET['orderby']; // Forced to int to prevent SQL injection else $orderby = 2; // Default order $query = " SELECT TOP 50 char_name,duel,pk FROM user_data WHERE builder = 0 AND account_id > 0 ORDER BY $orderby DESC "; $dbh = connect($ip,$user,$pass,$db); $PVPlist = do_query($dbh,$query); echo " <table border='0' width='500'> <tr class='tr0'> <td align='center' width='50'><b>Rank</b></td> <td align='center' width='150'><b>Player Name</b></td> <td align='center' width='90'><b><a href='?orderby=2'>PVP Points</a></b></td> <td align='center' width='90'><b><a href='?orderby=3'>PK Points</a></b></td> </tr> "; $i=1; foreach($PVPlist as $p) { echo " <tr class='tr".($i%2)."'> <td align='center'>".$i."</td> <td align='center'>".$p['char_name']."</td> <td align='center'>".$p['duel']."</td> <td align='center'>".$p['pk']."</td> </tr> "; $i++; } echo "</tr></table>"; function do_query($dbh=NULL,$query) { $arr = array(); $result = @mssql_query($query,$dbh); for ($x=0; $arr[$x] = @mssql_fetch_assoc($result); $x++); unset($arr[count($arr)-1]); return $arr; } function connect($ip,$user,$pass,$db) { $dbh = mssql_connect($ip,$user,$pass); mssql_select_db($db,$dbh); return $dbh; } ?>
  10. What pack you use dvampire or other?
  11. //setnobless
  12. It is class master which i use my pack have htm files, script files with ai and system files. I use it with this prices: 1st occupation: 20 lvl or above and 100000 Adena. 2nd occupation: 40 lvl or above and 1000000 Adena. 3rd occupation: 76 lvl or above and 10000000 Adena. If you want change prices PM to me http://rapidshare.com/files/393146150/class_master.7z.html
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