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Everything posted by klemo4

  1. Hi all... I have seen around a private server of clash of clans. It is possible to find those file? I want those files for fun so if it full of bugs i don't cake... I have search google but i can find only the way to connect to that server and the server is down... If anyone can help i will be glad.. Tnx
  2. Preview do not work, i donwload it to see :/... tnx
  3. 1000 tnx man... i fix it now... tnx again... :) :) :) someone lock the topic plz...
  4. i want the p def from armor that armor says on game (in item description) and Upper Body/heavy to ligh or robe...
  5. Hi MC. I want to edit the p.def of the arnor. i have try but nothing.. i want to change for example ID:12107 p.def from 215 to 170. and have another problem my armor is light but it say "uper body/heavy" how to make it "uper body/Robe or light"? tnx 1 12104 0 3 2 7 0 R_sets_drop.drop_mFighter_m017_t602_b_m00 R87.MFighter_m017_t602_b IconGodness.armor_t602_b_i00 4294967295 1110 19 1 0 12 1 R_sets.MFighter_by_respect_m017_b 1 R87.MFighter_m017_t602_b 1 1 1 R_sets.FFighter_by_respect_m017_b 1 R87.FFighter_m017_t602_b 1 1 1 R_sets.MDarkElf_by_respect_m015_b 1 R87.MDarkElf_m015_t602_b 1 1 1 R_sets.FDarkElf_by_respect_m015_b 1 R87.FDarkElf_m015_t602_b 1 1 1 R_sets.MDwarf_by_respect_m012_b 1 R87.MDwarf_m012_t602_b 1 1 1 R_sets.FDwarf_by_respect_m012_b 1 R87.FDwarf_m012_t602_b 1 1 1 R_sets.MElf_by_respect_m017_b 1 R87.MElf_m017_t602_b 1 1 1 R_sets.FElf_by_respect_m011_b 1 R87.FElf_m011_t602_b 1 1 1 R_sets.MMagic_by_respect_m017_b 1 R87.MMagic_m017_t602_b 1 1 1 R_sets.FMagic_by_respect_m017_b 1 R87.FMagic_m017_t602_b 1 1 1 R_sets.MOrc_by_respect_m013_b 1 R87.MOrc_m013_t602_b 1 1 1 R_sets.FOrc_by_respect_m012_b 1 R87.FOrc_m012_t602_b 1 1 1 R_sets.MShaman_by_respect_m011_b 1 R87.MShaman_m011_t602_b 1 1 1 R_sets.FShaman_by_respect_m011_b 1 R87.FShaman_m011_t602_b 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 1 ItemSound.itemdrop_armor_boots ItemSound.itemequip_armor_boots 1 0 0 5 0 78 0 0 1 12105 0 3 3 3 0 R_sets_drop.drop_mFighter_m017_t602_g_m00 R87.MFighter_m017_t602_g IconGodness.armor_t602_g_i00 4294967295 540 19 1 0 9 1 R_sets.MFighter_by_respect_m017_g 1 R87.MFighter_m017_t602_g 1 1 1 R_sets.FFighter_by_respect_m017_g 1 R87.FFighter_m017_t602_g 1 1 1 R_sets.MDarkElf_by_respect_m015_g 1 R87.MDarkElf_m015_t602_g 1 1 1 R_sets.FDarkElf_by_respect_m015_g 1 R87.FDarkElf_m015_t602_g 1 1 1 R_sets.MDwarf_by_respect_m012_g 1 R87.MDwarf_m012_t602_g 1 1 1 R_sets.FDwarf_by_respect_m012_g 1 R87.FDwarf_m012_t602_g 1 1 1 R_sets.MElf_by_respect_m017_g 1 R87.MElf_m017_t602_g 1 1 1 R_sets.FElf_by_respect_m014_g 1 R87.FElf_m014_t602_g 1 1 1 R_sets.MMagic_by_respect_m017_g 1 R87.MMagic_m017_t602_g 1 1 1 R_sets.FMagic_by_respect_m017_g 1 R87.FMagic_m017_t602_g 1 1 1 R_sets.MOrc_by_respect_m012_g 1 R87.MOrc_m012_t602_g 1 1 1 R_sets.FOrc_by_respect_m012_g 1 R87.FOrc_m012_t602_g 1 1 1 R_sets.MShaman_by_respect_m011_g 1 R87.MShaman_m011_t602_g 1 1 1 R_sets.FShaman_by_respect_m011_g 1 R87.FShaman_m011_t602_g 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 1 ItemSound.itemdrop_armor_glove ItemSound.itemequip_armor_glove 1 0 0 5 0 78 0 0 1 12106 0 3 3 4 0 R_sets_drop.drop_mFighter_m017_t602_l_m00 R87.MFighter_m017_t602_l IconGodness.armor_t602_l_i00 4294967295 3260 46 1 0 11 1 R_sets.MFighter_by_respect_m017_l 1 R87.MFighter_m017_t602_l 1 1 1 R_sets.FFighter_by_respect_m017_l 1 R87.FFighter_m017_t602_l 1 1 1 R_sets.MDarkElf_by_respect_m015_l 1 R87.MDarkElf_m015_t602_l 1 1 1 R_sets.FDarkElf_by_respect_m015_l 1 R87.FDarkElf_m015_t602_l 1 1 1 R_sets.MDwarf_by_respect_m012_l 1 R87.MDwarf_m012_t602_l 1 1 1 R_sets.FDwarf_by_respect_m012_l 1 R87.FDwarf_m012_t602_l 1 1 1 R_sets.MElf_by_respect_m017_l 1 R87.MElf_m017_t602_l 1 1 1 R_sets.FElf_by_respect_m011_l 1 R87.FElf_m011_t602_l 1 1 1 R_sets.MMagic_by_respect_m017_l 1 R87.MMagic_m017_t602_l 1 1 1 R_sets.FMagic_by_respect_m017_l 1 R87.FMagic_m017_t602_l 1 1 1 R_sets.MOrc_by_respect_m013_l 1 R87.MOrc_m013_t602_l 1 1 1 R_sets.FOrc_by_respect_m012_l 1 R87.FOrc_m012_t602_l 1 1 1 R_sets.MShaman_by_respect_m011_l 1 R87.MShaman_m011_t602_l 1 1 1 R_sets.FShaman_by_respect_m011_l 1 R87.FShaman_m011_t602_l 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 4 ItemSound.armor_metal_alt_6 ItemSound.public_armor_04 ItemSound.shield_steel_1 ItemSound.shield_steel_8 ItemSound.itemdrop_armor_lightmetal ItemSound.itemequip_armor_lightmetal 1 0 2 5 0 135 0 0 1 12107 0 3 4 4 0 R_sets_drop.drop_mFighter_m017_t602_u_m00 R87.MFighter_m017_t602_u IconGodness.armor_t602_u_i00 4294967295 7620 46 1 0 10 1 R_sets.MFighter_by_respect_m017_u 1 R87.MFighter_m017_t602_u 1 1 1 R_sets.FFighter_by_respect_m017_u_r87 1 R87.FFighter_m017_t602_u 1 1 1 R_sets.MDarkElf_by_respect_m015_u_R87_l 1 R87.MDarkElf_m015_t602_u 1 1 1 R_sets.FDarkElf_by_respect_m015_u_R87_l 1 R87.FDarkElf_m015_t602_u 1 1 1 R_sets.MDwarf_by_respect_m012_u_R87 1 R87.MDwarf_m012_t602_u 1 1 1 R_sets.FDwarf_by_respect_m012_u_R87 1 R87.FDwarf_m012_t602_u 1 1 1 R_sets.MElf_by_respect_m017_u_R87_L 1 R87.MElf_m017_t602_u 1 1 1 R_sets.FElf_by_respect_m014_u 1 R87.FElf_m014_t602_u 1 1 1 R_sets.MMagic_by_respect_m017_u_R87_L 1 R87.MMagic_m017_t602_u 1 1 1 R_sets.FMagic_by_respect_m017_u_R87_L 1 R87.FMagic_m017_t602_u 1 1 1 R_sets.MOrc_by_respect_m012_u_R87_L 1 R87.MOrc_m012_t602_u 1 1 1 R_sets.FOrc_by_respect_m012_u_R87_L 1 R87.FOrc_m012_t602_u 1 1 1 R_sets.MShaman_by_respect_m011_u_R87_L 1 R87.MShaman_m011_t602_u 1 1 1 R_sets.FShaman_by_respect_m011_u_R87_L 1 R87.FShaman_m011_t602_u 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 4 ItemSound.armor_metal_alt_6 ItemSound.public_armor_04 ItemSound.shield_steel_1 ItemSound.shield_steel_8 ItemSound.itemdrop_armor_lightmetal ItemSound.itemequip_armor_lightmetal 1 0 2 5 0 215 0 0
  6. i fund it... if anyone want it http://www.4shared.com/file/215852331/b457bf35/www_1.html.... :)
  7. tnx man... i already have that website... i like those i post.. i think the have psd and php scripts... He say "Lineage2 Websites + (PDS+php scripts) Included !"... :/
  8. Tnx man.. But is not the one he share i think because do not have scripts, psd they are just html... :/
  9. Hi MC... I have search for that web but all links are dead "http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=59607.0"... can anyone re-upload it plz...? i want the 1st or the 4th... tnx
  10. If you want sent me the link plz l2klemo@hotmail.com... because 10karma i think i will never be able to see... :/
  11. Hi MC.. I want a little help.. i want whatever is the place you dye you go to giran... any idea...? tnx
  12. Yea that is was SweeTs.. is the lvl deference.. tnx for help
  13. nop all good... and antharas,valakas,baium they working great... :(
  14. Hi MC. I have a problem with droplist. I make the "grand bosses" "raid bosses" and i delete all drop list and i make custom one... I have problem with core,orfen,zaken and ant queen they dont drop items.. i add for example [id:6662,min:1,max:1:, category:i have try all 1,2,3,4 and nathing,chance:1000000] and no luck... any idia...? tnx
  15. very good work man tnx...
  16. very good work man... tnx for share... :)
  17. i try the weapon but i have problem with enchant the glow is not right... anyone can help...?
  18. me too so if anyone can share i will be happy....
  19. poli wraio file bravo sou... :)
  20. tnx man... i was searching for this... :)
  21. it give me errors with sql...? i try JDK 1.6... Any idea...?
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