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  1. Here u have the proff
  2. Xaxaxaxaxaxax i know what this guy talk was stack buffs i do it for years on the server i play on the pass i quit long time ago and noone know how i do it, with a storm screamer i reach 170k matak xd
  3. Tnks to vinter a little improve for gracia final (protocol 87) all credits to him:
  4. show script if u want help
  5. send me pm and we will see what we can do
  6. here u have test it: item: TL2Item; procedure checkDeath; begin if (User.Dead) then begin Print('Dead. Pressing to clanhall.'); Delay(1000); Engine.FaceControl(0,false); Engine.GoHome(rtClanHall); Delay(10000); end; end; procedure tunatun; begin Engine.SetTarget('Tunatun'); Delay(1000); Engine.DlgOpen; Delay(1000); Engine.DlgSel('Quest'); Delay(1000); Engine.DlgSel('Home Security'); Delay(1000); Engine.DlgSel('Listen to his concern'); Delay(1000); Engine.DlgSel('Offer to help'); Delay(1000); if (not Engine.QuestStatus(278, 1)) then tunatun; end; procedure moveToSpot; begin Engine.MoveTo(53131,-84124,-2720); Delay(500); Engine.MoveTo(53736,-87114,-2456); Delay(500); end; procedure itemSelMahumManeQuest; begin Engine.LoadConfig(script.path+'BeastFarm'); Engine.CancelTarget; Engine.FaceControl(0, true); repeat Delay(100); checkDeath; until ((Inventory.Quest.ById(15531, item)) and (item.Count >= 300)); if (not Engine.QuestStatus(278, 1)) then itemSelMahumManeQuest; Engine.FaceControl(0, false); Delay(1000); end; procedure moveToReward; begin Engine.MoveTo(53736,-87114,-2456); Delay(500); Engine.MoveTo(53131,-84124,-2720); Delay(500); Engine.MoveTo(53658, -83826, -2720); Delay(500); Engine.SetTarget('Tunatun'); Delay(500); Engine.DlgOpen; Delay(500); Engine.DlgSel('Quest'); Delay(500); Engine.DlgSel('Home Security'); Delay(500); Engine.dlgSel('Accept Reward'); Delay(1000); end; begin while true do begin Delay(100); tunatun; moveToSpot; itemSelMahumManeQuest; moveToReward; end; end.
  7. hi folks i need to buy a custom interface for gracia final tnks
  8. excelent seller very professional i recommend him totally a product of quality go buy it its a pro interface
  9. pls dude make it for gracia final pls how much money you want for this pls tnks
  11. Master is possible make it for gracia final???
  12. Run bot. Start task/service manager. Stop (don't end) the bot.exe process. Run l2.exe. Wait for GG/SG/LG to fully load. Start task manager again. Run the .exe file of the bot you are using. that work???? with smartguard try to using l2tower???
  13. how i can obtain this for gracia final???
  14. hi a question can u make this : http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/196581-high-five-extended-interface/ http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/201787-h5-custom-interface/ for gracia final?????
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