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Everything posted by 3emu

  1. I found my mistake tnx.... I am sorry for the trouble i have made to you guys. An item didn't have grp and all others after it didn't worked..
  2. I am not speaking of id but containing... Here an example of the bottom of itemname-e.dat file : 50008 Weapon Glow - Pink a,Alows you to change your weapon glowing color to White. If you have this item in your inventory use a voiced command - .pink\0 -1 0 0 a, 0 0 a, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a, 1 50009 Cloak Design a,Item used to buy a Special Cloaks\0 -1 0 0 a, 0 0 a, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a, 1 50008 name is working but 50009 not and if i reverse their place, 50009 will work but 50008 not.... It's obvious it has some limit.... But how to fix it? Can anyone help me or give me a working system?
  3. Tnx for your fast response but i have added all correctly just it is like a limit ? I can Attach the itemname/armorgrp and weapon if you'd like but i am sure it's not caused by this, because all items are readed correctly if i delete a previous the new works and so on. Its just space limit or something... I first tried to see if grp's cause the problem but not... I tried with different system but still same...
  4. Hello everyone! I want to share my problem with you :). I've added some items inside itemname-e.dat but when reached 19242 item numbers the file just stopped reading their names. All other items have names but items added after 19242 line are read as NoItemName. It's like a limit or something anyone knows about this problem? I hope it's fixable :) Thanks! Best Regards And WIshes To all!
  5. А shady как да ги направя тия нпц-та да ме удрят със соулшоти и да ми пускат фейм?
  6. How can i make when you kill a npc to reward fame points??
  7. How to add soulshot to a npc? like : <set name="shots" value="SOUL_BSPIRIT" /> But normal soulshots?
  8. I made 2 different custom talismans and i want to make them non stack, like if you equip 1 you cannot equip the other one... Its for fighter and mage that's why tnx in advance.
  9. Wtf deleted T_T >:( >:( :( :(
  10. Pff who even plays CTF this event is from stoneage :D
  11. Thank you nice share
  12. Hehe i think everyone know about it ;D
  13. Nice work keep up ;)
  14. Does it work, and if it works will this stop botnet? ::)
  15. Great work! Thanks for sharing
  16. Best npcs Thumb's Up ! ;)
  17. Nice, but can you fix the links please?
  18. Website: http://l2lan-server.yolasite.com Server is running Freya (CT 2.5) All Weapons&Armors Freya Xp: x1000 Sp: x1000 Adena: x10000 Drop: x1 Max Enchant: 300 Safe Enchant: 100 Normal Scroll Rate: 75% Blessed Scroll Rate: 100% Global Gate Keeper Buff NPC in any Town (Manual Buffs | Scheme Buff) GM Shop in any Town Universal NPC with Full support Custom Items Curreny System - Beleth's Silver,Blood,Gold Dragon TvT event every 2 hours! Olympiad 100% retail like, every month new Heroes(last for 1 month)! Fortress Siege 100% retail like Castle Siege 100% retail like Hellbound 100% Hellbound town 100% Steel Citadele 100% Tower of Infirnity 100% Tower of Naia 100% PvP kind items,skills 100% Masterwork kind items , skills 100% Max Subclasses 5 Sub Class - skills 100 Autolern skills 81-83 Skill enchants 90-95% fixed 76-81 lvl Much passive events Much active events and much much more ...
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