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Everything posted by embass

  1. Still no clue what this is. You only wrote the changelog, not the description and usage of the program.
  2. Offering more disk space since we got over 150GB left.
  3. Os is debian. If you wish to test for speed, this is one of the (clan) sites we're hosting. http://hatecrew.temptation-network.com/
  4. Bump, hosting 7 sites as of now, all satisfied. Willing to host 5-10 more.
  5. Hillarious share. Gave you +1 karma. Haven't laughed this hard in a while. :'D
  6. This top list is a joke, seriously. If you are making a TOP server list then test the server for yourself, don't just take the links from the top sites. Those are faked anyone. Take lineage2 hellion for example, 5,3k votes on gamesites200, 360 votes on xtremetop100/hopzone. Votes are so obviously bot'ed. Out of that list, I'd say l2inc and infinitel2 are the only good servers (atleast the ones that I tried personally). The rest are imo just bsing their community. L2Crysis: They've got bestiality of a machine for a server and YET they are hosting their forum on a FREE forum hosting? Really? a) Their server is piece of trash with a VERY limited bandwith b) They don't have the knowledge to set up a forum on their own server which is pretty darn sad to begin with oh and Lulz at the website design, If you take a template atleast modify so it won't link to the original template's link anymore. http://www.l2crysis.com/server.html (click on the server info again and you'll see what I mean) p.s., :D How on earth do you dare to place them on 8th place as they obviously have no clue how to run a server! Has the quality of the l2j dropped THAT low? NO it did not! L2Vibe, Few glitches here and there but I won't mention them as I haven't tested the server yet. Saying anything without doing my homework would be flaming without without reason which is not my purpose at all. L2Staging: Same reason as L2crysis, only difference is they do have their website hosted on their own server (I doubt about the hardware specification as it took me ages to load the website from a 100mbit OPTICAL connection (college)). Ingame might be good, haven't tested it so I won't comment that, but the website looks like it was thrown in by a 15yo without ANY consideration of what it is really going to be used for. Stats on the forum: Total posts 141 • Total topics 53 • Total members 282 L2Heaven (ranked 3rd): The website is just amazing. ads, shitty template, slow loading times, hosted on ucos... wtf? Haven't even tested the server, Don't need to. Any server with a shitty website like that will in 98% cases also have a shitty gaming server. But seriously, 3rd rank?! DeathWispher seems nice. Lots of registered users, heard alot good (and bad) things about the server. I would rank it higher. L2euroworld also seems nice. Although they have "casual" (template) website their usercount on forum is quite high, as such their population is quite well aswell. L2extreme: That shitty website template again seen on atleast 30-40% of the servers out there. It's getting annoying guys, pick something different? Stop being copycats, I beg you. L2Extreme..... Couldn't pick your own name? Ps, real l2x is comming back, afaik they'll bring kastien up first. Total posts 294 • Total topics 51 • Total members 96 • Our newest member 96 members is horrible! Can anyone post some info about the ingame population? I don't think it's even close to 50, but I'm probably wrong. Someone test it and report please. Either way, 2ND PLACE?! GTFO! L2inc, infinitel2, azurel2, Rank those as you wish... Anyway, feel free to flame back. I might have been a bit rude at the top but it just pisses me off that all the shitty servers are ranked so highly when they don't really deserve it.
  7. Gave you +1 karma. Excellent share. I hate all of the logins after the c4. C4>all imo. It makes lineage seems so adventurous.
  8. Temptation-network.com http://temptation-network.com/index.php/page,server_info.html It matches your request quite well. We got a scheme buffer. You can select your buffs, npc will remember your configuration and buff you with those buffs every time (different presets depending on the sub). D grade - s80 grade. Normal items cost adena. Once you reach 2 billion you can transform that into medals of victory which is the same as goldbars. Sadly the rate is only 66%, but the safe and max are what you asked for. We spent two weeks balancing all the classes. If we believe that a class is still too strong we discuss it with community and nerf it the way YOU want it. New heroes every two weeks. Adena x10.000 XP x1000 SP x500 Drop rate x3 Spoil rate x2 Manor x3 Enchant rate:66% Max enchant: 20 Weight limit factor x7 (you can carry 7x the amount) 100 item slots for normal players, 120 for dwarfs. Hope to see you soon, Regards, Embass.
  9. You might want to take a look at L2-Temptation. L2-Temptation - Server Info Rates: Adena x10.000 XP x1000 SP x500 Drop rate x3 Spoil rate x2 Manor x3 Enchant rate:66% Max enchant: 20 Weight limit factor x7 (you can carry 7x the amount) 100 item slots for normal players, 120 for dwarfs. Buff duration: 60 minutes (schemes buffer, npc in every town) Chronicle: Gracia ct2.2 (preparing for ct2.3) Hardware: 1x AMD Opteron 2344 HE, 1x Quad-Core 4 GB DDR2-RAM ECC 2x 250 GB SATA II HDDs mounted as Hardware RAID1 Connection: 100mbit dedicated. Server is located in Frankfurt/Germany (20ms~70ms ping for European players). Our donation list is EXTREMELY expensive for a high rate server. We raised it this high not to have ruined economy by donators. It might be a little off from what you want but it's a server worth staying on. We're fixing bugs on a DAILY basis so we're not one of those kiddish/lol servers out there. Classes were being balanced for over two weeks. If we feel that a class is still too strong we can nerf it down any time (talking it out with community first). Staff will help as long as we won't interfere with player affairs and you can also get ventrilo channel or free webhosting if you contact any of the senior staff. Hope to see you with us, Regards, Sweet.
  10. You might want to take a look at L2-Temptation. L2-Temptation - Server Info Rates: Adena x10.000 XP x1000 SP x500 Drop rate x3 Spoil rate x2 Manor x3 Enchant rate:66% Max enchant: 20 Weight limit factor x7 (you can carry 7x the amount) 100 item slots for normal players, 120 for dwarfs. Buff duration: 60 minutes (schemes buffer, npc in every town) Chronicle: Gracia ct2.2 (preparing for ct2.3) Hardware: 1x AMD Opteron 2344 HE, 1x Quad-Core 4 GB DDR2-RAM ECC 2x 250 GB SATA II HDDs mounted as Hardware RAID1 Connection: 100mbit dedicated. Server is located in Frankfurt/Germany (20ms~70ms ping for European players). Our donation list is EXTREMELY expensive for a high rate server. We raised it this high not to have ruined economy by donators. It might be a little off from what you want but it's a server worth staying on. We're fixing bugs on a DAILY basis so we're not one of those kiddish/lol servers out there. Classes were being balanced for over two weeks. If we feel that a class is still too strong we can nerf it down any time (talking it out with community first). Staff will help as long as we won't interfere with player affairs and you can also get ventrilo channel or free webhosting if you contact any of the senior staff. Hope to see you with us, Regards, Sweet.
  11. L2jfree doesn't have final yet (and it won't have it for a while), L2j has it already but like they said it themselves, it's unstable. No clue about l2emu.
  12. He doesn't need to point at anything. Uninstall EVERY version of java on your machine. Google for java sdk, should be around 80mB+, download it, install it, reboot your pc. Voila, works like a charm.
  13. I presume you're using navicat. If that is the case, then make sure you click on the tic to save your changes. Also make sure to use //reload items ingame. Server reboot should do it as well.
  14. http://fyyre.ivory-tower.de/ Top links.
  15. Jesus wtf?! This is NOT an exploit. It's just a program that tries as many possible variables of a username/password. Three things that sql servers check for Username Password Host that's logging in (whitelist) If your username/password are incorrect AND if you are not comming from the ip specified in the host it will reject your connection. Even if somehow magically the admin is a fucking idiot and has username root and password fuckmeImdumb there is a high chance he will have allowed ip with which means NOONE but him from localhost can connect to mysql. If you do have all of those opened to public then you deserve to be shot on sight. But lets say he does have % on host origin and username root. In case his password is consisted of something like this 34%V#4t3gc3$G34t the bruteforce will NEVER figure it out. Well, maybe in a couple of years...
  16. All these websites do seem great and stuff, but one thing they ALWAYS forget to mention is AVAILABILITY of the network they are hosted on. Let's take 000webhost for example. Each and every of their servers is being used by hundreds if not thousands of users at the same time. When I first hosted my website there it was offline more than it was online. Constant "server has gone away", 500 internal server error, "server is rebooting" (even though it wasn't) and/or hideous loading times. Always, ALWAYS do your homework and try to find out how occupied the "free" webhosting is. It doesn't matter a darn thing if their connection is 100mbit (000webhost has 10mbit actually) while it's being used by 1000+ users. Just my 2 cents..
  17. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=57481.0 Check my thread then.
  18. I've stated pure FACTS and you're calling me names. I've proven the above once again. p.s. Do you need webhosting or something lulz? I'll gladly provide some for free.
  19. Oh come on dude, don't bullshit. Almost all of my bug reports that got reported in an unstable trunk got carried right up until the stable release. At that point someone else brought it to their attention. I'm not one of those guys that go "wtf fix this omg I wanna play". It was a pure and clean bug report list and it got ignored or laughed at. Call them/you whatever you want. The sole purpose why the pack sucks as it does is because l2jfree dev team thinks they are -beep-ing godlike and don't give a -beep- about the community. When I asked POLITELY why the svn is so slow (and that was 3 months ago) my thread got deleted twice without a reason, third time noctarius went all hulk on my ass. Seriously, how the -beep- was I supposed to know that evill33t doesn't give a -beep- about the project and that he's the only one with the access to the svn? Want another example? GEODATA and skills! Asked numerous times how the stuff that I wanted to fix works. All I asked was for a little bit of documentation. Got ignored on first attempt and trashed on second one few weeks later. I was being polite and got treated like shit. Second, code is too different? Rofl dude, bunch of bullshit. How come l2jfree is taking the code from l2j/l2jdb or whatever it is all the time? Just check their fcking syncs, atleast 30% have the comment of Sync to L2JDP. And don't bs me it's a seperate project. The thanks are pointed at the same people that handle the L2J pack. And don't get me started on the server. Svn was -beep-ed up probably for two months if not longer. It worked like trash. It took me 2 hours just to check out a darn datapack out of trunk. 2 HOURS! Fisheye came up just yesterday, wonder when it's going to go offline again. I'd dare to say it didn't even work 3 consecutive days in a row as it should. (Yes I'm using eclipse's internal code check, but sometimes I still prefer to use the fisheye than eclipse's one). p.s. Funny how they trash l2emu all the time though. It's true that l2emu's support is nullish, but atleast you don't get treated as shit all the time. Yes, I use l2jfree, but I'm seriously considering swallowing down all the fuss and just shift to l2j. Nothing is worth keeping if it causes more problems than benefits.
  20. Dear Maxcheaters community members, After the successful transit to live stage we are now in the process of populating our staff. As such, we are looking for suitable candidates that would be interested in taking place at the following positions: a) Game masters Your job would be to manage the population using the rules we've set in place as guidelines, entertain the community by making events and advertising the server in any way possible. Prerequirements are: - Must speak fluent english (proper vocabulary - spelling, using correct times, sentences that make sence...) - Must behave maturely (you get one chance and one chance only). - Must be polite at all times (being a staff member means you'll be representing all of it's members. Your actions reflect upon the image of the entire staff); - To have the time to be an ACTIVE staff member (daily activity); - Being capable of working in a team, taking orders, listening to your superior and in general communicate with people and the rest of the staff; - A microphone to talk on ventrilo (occasionally). - Age of 18 or over. (No we are not racist bastards. We have our reasons for asking so). note: b) DJ'S! We're running a radio station with four streams. Two will be dedicated purely to music (and requests). Two will be used to report on the ingame activity (sieges/pvp's/epic raids..) while occasionally also accepting requests. Prerequirements are: - Must speak fluent english (proper vocabulary - spelling, using correct times, sentences that make sense...) - must behave maturely (you get one chance and one chance only. Any kind of flaming/arguing/insulting will result in your position being removed). - must be polite at all times (you will be part of the L2TN staff after all). - MUST know what the heck you're doing. Playing music randomly does NOT mean you are a DJ. Past experience is strongly suggested. Communicating to your listeners is a MUST (any script can play random songs, people are those that can talk to players and understand their needs). c) Website designers and developers. You would have the access to individual parts of the website (the code that you would be asked to alter). Requirements are: - Knowledge of photoshop - Knowledge of php - Knowledge of html - Optional knowledge of flash d) In addition, we are also searching for a developer or two that would work on the gameserver Requirements: - knowledge of python/jython - java knowledge You would mostly be working on the scripts (quests, events and such). Send an email to staff(nospam)temptation-network.com (replace (nospam) with @) if: -You are still interested, fit the listed requirements and are willing to work with us. Send an extensive application providing as much details as possible. The more professionalism your application will contain, the greater the chances are you will be selected. -Need additional information/clarification related to things mentioned in this topic. It is suggested that you take a look around our website (L2-Temptation - temptation-network.com and test the server before you apply so you can get familiar with the staff/server structure. No wannabe applications! We are looking for SERIOUS, dedicated people that would be interested in long term partnership. If you can't handle that then don't apply. Regards, L2-Temptation staff.
  21. Dear Maxcheaters community members, After the successful transit to live stage we are now in the process of populating our staff. As such, we are looking for suitable candidates that would be interested in taking place at the following positions: a) Game masters Your job would be to manage the population using the rules we've set in place as guidelines, entertain the community by making events and advertising the server in any way possible. Prerequirements are: - Must speak fluent english (proper vocabulary - spelling, using correct times, sentences that make sence...) - Must behave maturely (you get one chance and one chance only). - Must be polite at all times (being a staff member means you'll be representing all of it's members. Your actions reflect upon the image of the entire staff); - To have the time to be an ACTIVE staff member (daily activity); - Being capable of working in a team, taking orders, listening to your superior and in general communicate with people and the rest of the staff; - A microphone to talk on ventrilo (occasionally). - Age of 18 or over. (No we are not racist bastards. We have our reasons for asking so). note: b) DJ'S! We're running a radio station with four streams. Two will be dedicated purely to music (and requests). Two will be used to report on the ingame activity (sieges/pvp's/epic raids..) while occasionally also accepting requests. Prerequirements are: - Must speak fluent english (proper vocabulary - spelling, using correct times, sentences that make sense...) - must behave maturely (you get one chance and one chance only. Any kind of flaming/arguing/insulting will result in your position being removed). - must be polite at all times (you will be part of the L2TN staff after all). - MUST know what the heck you're doing. Playing music randomly does NOT mean you are a DJ. Past experience is strongly suggested. Communicating to your listeners is a MUST (any script can play random songs, people are those that can talk to players and understand their needs). c) Website designers and developers. You would have the access to individual parts of the website (the code that you would be asked to alter). Requirements are: - Knowledge of photoshop - Knowledge of php - Knowledge of html - Optional knowledge of flash d) In addition, we are also searching for a developer or two that would work on the gameserver Requirements: - knowledge of python/jython - java knowledge You would mostly be working on the scripts (quests, events and such). Send an email to staff(nospam)temptation-network.com (replace (nospam) with @) if: -You are still interested, fit the listed requirements and are willing to work with us. Send an extensive application providing as much details as possible. The more professionalism your application will contain, the greater the chances are you will be selected. -Need additional information/clarification related to things mentioned in this topic. It is suggested that you take a look around our website (L2-Temptation - temptation-network.com and test the server before you apply so you can get familiar with the staff/server structure. No wannabe applications! We are looking for SERIOUS, dedicated people that would be interested in long term partnership. If you can't handle that then don't apply. Regards, L2-Temptation staff.
  22. It's the same no matter where you look at it. L2jfree taking stuff from l2j, l2j taking stuff from l2jfree (not lately though) and l2emu taking stuff from both of them. If I was to decide one more time on which project to take, I'd take l2j for sure for one and only reason, because their community is the biggest and it's the easiest way to get support. L2jfree are a bunch of racists. Their support stinks from here to high heaven. If you do ask a question you are likely to be ignored, laughed at or just provided useless info. Avoid asking for trunk support. Topic gets locked straight away. L2emu's support sucks even more. There basically isn't none. They will just ignore you all the time. L2j is super ichy when it comes even mentioning any other projects. Try saying l2jfree on their forum, your account will be banned the second a moderator sees the post. Support is a plus, they also support the trunk releases (a BIG bonus). Minus is that you have to code any custom addon on your own as they aren't included in the source. All in all, take whatever you want, it's all copy pasted anyway with an exception of minor details. I might be wrong but this is just the opinion I got during a few month period while running my own server.
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