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Everything posted by `|SeeN|`

  1. Just bought 11kkk from this buyer. It's 100% trusth-worthy.
  2. EN. Hello. I am looking for a good translator to use. To be precise, I want to translate an english book to Greek. But I want to do it correctly, with correct grammar sytnax etc., and not by google translate. I can do it myselfm but it would be too time-consuming. Any suggestions? GR. Γεια σας. Θελω να μεταφρασω ενα αγγλικο βιβλιο στα ελληνικα, και ψαχνω ενα μεταφραστικο που τα να βγαζει με σωστη συνταξη κλπ, και οχι λεξη προς λεξη. Υπαρχει καποιο? Ακομα και με πληρωμη.
  3. Does this work in places like Timeless Isles?
  4. how much?
  5. Hello. Im looking for any bug/exploit of the vote system of l2 Exilium. Im willing to pay for a decent answer. Thank you. :)
  6. Yes of course mate... Send me a pm for the tranfer details. I will explain everythng there. :)
  7. An akoma einai energo to topic, emena mou bgazei to e3hs sto build.xml BUILD FAILED C:\Workspace\L2_GameServer_It\build.xml:51: Unable to find a javac compiler; com.sun.tools.javac.Main is not on the classpath. Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK. It is currently set to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7" Total time: 2 seconds
  8. Hello. Recently I started playing a private server, that it gives vote rewards to all online players, but not in bots that are logged with the same IP. Is there a way that i can change the 2nd IP ? I know of lowerping and battleping, but the free version works for only 20 minutes.
  9. Just saw, it sorry.
  10. Hello. Recently I started playing a private server, that it gives vote rewards to all online players, but not in bots that are logged with the same IP. Is there a way that i can change the 2nd IP ? I know of lowerping and battleping, but the free version works for only 20 minutes.
  12. when will the server be available for voting ?
  13. wraios o server, k kaloftiagmenos... mexri stigmhs balance se ola ta class (osa exw dei), k genika a3izei :) krima 8a nai na apei xamenos
  14. Psaxnw gia tuxwn bugs ston L2 Xerus.
  15. bump PRICE JUST 60 EUROS!
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