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Everything posted by MixMasteR

  1. lol cool sofaki .. iam use this system and its so cool thx again
  2. egw 8a sou apantiso mono sto 1) lpn 8a pas gameserver/data/skills kai 8a vreis ena arxeio me name 2000-2099.xml nmz kai 8a to fix(analogos ti project exeis)
  3. lpn pane sto gameserver.bat pata deksi click + edit kai meta 8a s vgalei kati tetio java -Xmx728m -Xms728m -cp ./libraries/bsh-engine.jar oxi akrivos to idio esena borei na to exei alios ... kanto c/p paste edw na sto fix
  4. borei na exeis valei sta config ekei pou leei posa alliance boreis na valeis k na einai 0-1 kai na min borei na kanei o alos ... psa3to
  5. boreis na vreis to id kai na to valeis ... patas //admin pas ekei p pes patas /loc kai perneis to id
  6. to l2 einai san narkotiko... opios k na to eftia3e ok exei megalo mualo alla to parakane...egw pistevo pos to l2 prp na stamatisi..
  7. egw nmz ta 10-12 xrona vrizoun oxi 13-15 ... i ilikia ton 13-15 ma8enoun na scam
  8. ok thx very much ! /lock plz
  9. hi guys ... i have my forum for my server and i make forum... i need this where i can add?
  10. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL What is this all ? listen this this is the best
  11. pane gameserver/data/config/server kai vreis kati tetio Minimum and maximum protocol revision that server allow to connect. # You must keep MinProtocolRevision <= MaxProtocolRevision. MinProtocolRevision = 1 MaxProtocolRevision = 999 kanto opos to exw egw..
  12. LOL its big !! how old your iguana? P.S.Sorry for quote ...
  13. pm serk :P he have iguana
  14. wrong section lol ! why you dont make topic in spam section ?
  15. iparxei ena item caradines kati dn thimame akrivos.... psa3e sto gmshop tou admin pata //gmshop meta craft items kai psa3e ekei pera... alla min valeis to 74 lvl vale to 79 gt me to 74 dn boreis na kaneis quest
  16. Scam είναι 100% είμαι σίγουρος ! Για να είναι το site του webs.com και να βλέπω πρώτη φορα αυτό το πρόγραμμα :P
  17. egw akouma dn katalava ti ginete sto topic -.-''' P.S. KraSh dn akous vlepeis :D
  18. esu diladi 8es multisell oxi dika sou custom -.-'' alla grafeis sto topic alla mas grafeis
  19. Καλός αυτός ρε :D Αλλα με κούφανε :S
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