Disney Tangled: The Video Game is a story-based adventure where players team up with Rapunzel to explore a vast kingdom filled with colorful
environments as well as engaging quests & challenges
Disney's Tangled: The Video Game takes young players on a film-inspired, hair-raising adventure designed for the Wii gaming system. In this
story-based journey, players will venture into a kingdom filled with colorful 3D environments, creative play, fun quests and competitive
Mastering unique abilities, players can swing into action as Rapunzel using her golden tresses, pull objects and climb, grow flowers in
"charm mode" and collect a variety of colors to draw and paint the Tower wall or collect sun drops to earn points. And as Flynn, players can climb
walls, clear obstacles, engage in sword play, and discover hidden treasures using his "Flynntuition". In order to win challenges faster, players will
need to work as a team, helping each other along the journey and collecting as many items as possible.
Have fun ;D