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Everything posted by `Vaxil

  1. Ποιός είπε ότι το λ2 θα γίνει ποτέ σαν το wow ή το AION ? Το λ2 αν και δεν μου αρέσει που το παραδέχομαι είναι ΤΑΞΕΙΣ ανώτερο από αυτά τα 2 παιχνίδια σε απόψεως : Lore , Races , Skills , Classes και Φαντασίας. Ας μην ξεχάσουμε το ΤΕΛΕΙΟ BGM που φτιάχνει η NCsoft . Αλλά εντάξει σαν gameplay είναι άθλιο.
  2. Γιατί όχι ; Όταν κάποιος είναι καινούργιος και ψάχνει/συγκρίνει MMO και δει πως όλα έχουν WASD / Jump και μετά δουν το L2 πως έχει αυτό το τετράγωνο και καθορισμένο gameplay , λες να προτιμίσουν το λ2 ή κάποιο άλλο όπως π.χ. WOW , AION ?
  3. Δηλαδή άμα βάλουν Jump στο Space , το οποίο κάνει το PvP κάπως πιο δύσκολο ( Γιατί θα πρέπει να γνωρίζεις το περιβάλλον σου ) πιστεύεις ότι θα είναι σαν να παίζεις άλλο παιχνίδι ;
  4. ... Εννοώ πως πρέπει αν καείς για να πας σε χ1 σρβ 85 λέβελ με καλό gear . Δες μια η Blizzard πόσο καλά διαχειρίστηκε το WoW. Σταδιακά updates / implement new features.
  5. Αν είμαι εγώ βλάκας που απέδωσα την απάντηση μέσα σε ένα reply φαντάσου εσύ που εδώ και 2 σελίδες προσπαθείς να εξηγήσεις. AION is our friend.
  6. Κατά τη γνώμη μου. Δεν νομίζω ότι μόνο το άθλιο community και οι παρακμιακοί βραζιλλιάνικοι- ελληνικοί σρβς που φτιάχνονται καθημερινά , κατέστρεψαν το λ2. Το λ2 σαν κάθε MMORPG έχει ημερομηνία λήξης. Όταν είμαστε στο 2011 και χρησιμοποιούν ακόμα το σύστημα Click-To-Move δεν μπορείς να πηδήξεις καν , και που γενικά το Geodata αλλά ακόμα και ολόκληρο το παιχνίδι είναι τετράγωνο , είναι φυσικό να έρθει κάποια στιγμή το τέλος αυτού του παιχνιδιού. Ας μην αναφέρω πως το στήσιμο ( Grinding , Grouping και Leveling ) είναι τρομακτικά Korean Style όπου πρέπει κυριολεκτικά να ενωθείς με την καρέκλα και το πληκτρολόγιο , για να καταφέρεις κάτι .
  7. Several of them , but we constantly keep reporting them on AION Int's forum. What i dont like is that you cant contact the admins/gms.
  8. Why Are You Writing Like This ? Do You Need Help ? And oh yeah , of course i know better. The accident with the radioactive energy happened because of the constract development. And guess what again. It was made by an indivindual company , not the goverment. Stil no Japanese person graged and cried like a tiny little baby about the situation. They fought this together and as one. Discipline.
  9. I am from Greece. I was born in Greece , i was raised in Greece and i intend to die in Greece too. Oh and hey. Japan is something other than China. Dude , seriously. Government Type: Constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary government. Constitution: May 3, 1947. Branches: Executive--prime minister (head of government). Legislative--bicameral Diet (House of Representatives and House of Councillors). Judicial--civil law system based on the model of Roman law. Administrative subdivisions: 47 prefectures. Political parties: Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), Social Democratic Party (SDP), People’s New Party (PNP), Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), New Clean Government Party (Komeito), Japan Communist Party (JCP). Suffrage: Universal at 20. And still they are so much better than Greeks. Disciplined. That i am sorry for your invalid arguments and for your vested beliefs.
  10. Haha .... How it seems you cand tell somoenes intent.. And what i say i believe. Truth or not , you cant keep up with our valid statements and you just say random things to just post . I am sorry , Gerero.
  11. Unlimitless is no better than a cage. Yes we are even. Men = Stronger but less self conscious , and have a lesser intelectual level than that of women. Open your eyes . You are the one making up with the worst excuses i ever have seen. Oh and btw these arent called girls , rather than sluts. And hey you just proved what i said above. Men lack of self consiousness.
  12. Sorry what i can see is that we have to find a solution. Not ruining each other plans in order to say " Gotcha". Then shouldnt we make them hear us? Power to the people.
  13. 1) The other 20% must stop being lazy and search for a new job instead of gaging about the situation we are in. 2) No. Should i be a woman to recognize then women and men are even ?
  14. You answered to yourself. Beating up tourists aint solution. And its gonna make EU be angry and mad at the PEOPLE not the goverment.
  15. womeninbusiness.about .com/od/successfulwomenprofiles/Profiles_of_Successful_Business_Women.htm She already does work. She knows that working isnt easy and relaxing rather than hard and tiring. This is not the truth. This is fabricated greek lies that are used to cover our disgusting nature. We dont care bout others or how our actions affect them.
  16. Oh please , thats your opinion.And guess what , most people dont agree with that. Define revolution. Or not. Just answer to these questions. 1) Does being revolutionary means beating innocent people ? 2) If the family waits from the taxi driver to support it then the family must have REALLY low needs. I am completely sure that at least 8/10 taxi drivers have a second ( part-time) job. Come on.
  17. If you cant discuss in the proper way then please cut the shit about Asians , cause seriously we are not gonna rage because you cry and them say something about Asians which is well.... idiotic. Btw fyi Asians ( mostly Koreans and Chinese) breed dogs that they eat . They dont kill stray animals.
  18. First of all dont react to animes like they are something meaningless. From my point of view watching animes > watching football. Secondly , i agree that Greece's goverment ( specially Papandreou) acts SO COWARDLY , but we are the citizens its not our fault. What can we do ? Lastly , if they dont want their jobs get "free'ed" then act nicely and do their jobs as they should have been doing them. As greeks say : " Με τα χεράκια μας , βγάζουμε τα ματάκια μας ".
  19. I agree witht he people that say that most of the taxi drivers are just plain retarded people who fked up with their own lives and they try to get their psychological problems extracted on their clients. I have had always moved around my route with a taxi since the bus in greece isnt exactly accurate. Whatever i dont like them. But as i said MOST taxi drivers i have met have proved themselves the common loser-aggressive-taxi-driver. I have met taxi drivers with who you could like talk about everything except than pussies , women , pussies and women. ( Cause they ALL ask us : Are you going to get laid ?) But some of them are really friendly and happy , that they even try to make you laugh by telling you stories when they were at your age. @Tourists , seriously prefer the train and the bus from taxis , nuff said.
  20. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=216363.0
  21. Θα προτιμούσα να βάλω 9/0/21 για να τρολλάρω με το 546456465 Movement Speed. Core : Lich Bane , Death fire Graps και ίσως Deathcap. Μετά αγοράζω HP , Rylais , Banshee. ( Mercury's πάντα). Runes : 9x Magic Pen Reds 9x Mana Reg/level Seals . Για να παίρνεις creeps με Q πιο εύκολα άμα έχεις ranged στο λέιν σου. 9x Flast AP glyphs και 3x Flat HP Quints για να την βοηθήσει με το ΑΘΛΙΟ λέινινγ .
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