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Everything posted by `Vaxil

  1. you are terribly wrong please renew your english skills.... it is Unbalanced server not Imbalanced
  2. don't bite that's my fetish xD /ontopic I like them but i especially like the duals .Keep Sharing i am w8ing for your big share hehehe
  3. tell me your results and plz bring more pppl on :D
  4. hello again is there any guide in order to mae your own pet?? plz answer its an emergency ( it is goinf to be awesome!) Thnx in advance
  5. Heh want to see that +16 xD Gj this plues chandys armor and that hat is going to be a perfect wedding dress xD
  6. [GR] 18.55 ?? eneois 18.5/13? (egw paw 2tera gymansiou xD) thnx 8a prospa8hsw [en] someone lock this topic plz
  7. compliling needs a lot of time and i can't afford time xD [gr]as mhn htan to 18.6 p 8elw na bgalw alla exe xarh......
  8. The 14th wep seems like Saix's Berskerker somehow...Anyways gj
  9. Rofl this is going to be perfect with an machine gun and chandy's armor :P Counter-Strike L2
  10. hey if you think this destroys l2 then don't download!!!! i find it fancy :P
  11. LOL good job..... do u have an airplane too? or you can make Kamael's Next ToP Model walk there...
  12. hello (im not sure this is the right section to put this topic , so if it sint im terribly sorry) I want to make a Ct2.3 srv but with preconfigured...i want the srv just4fun. I took some advices and they said about Tribal's pack...i Searched on MxC but nothing came out.... Please help!! gimme a link to an easy preconfigured pack ( and quick :P ) PS: if u know any usefull guide please post it here... Thnx In Advance
  13. k gw vrm pl th zwh m teleytaia.....alla otan vrm psaxnw na brw kanenan l2 srv p na aksizei alla opos oloi 3eroume exei para pollous ekei e3w.............................. bsk ama dn brw tpt pezw ayto http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/439144 <---- prosoxh einai biao..............
  14. On l2infogate ( wortst srv ever) i had a full imperial set +30 dynasty duals +30 tatoo+30 rbjewels+30 except baium +25.....anyways i was named Vaxil and i told at shout (!) my pass which was 1219........ Next day robbed T_T
  15. whatever you want you can ask somoene ingame...
  16. you are definetelyright thats why i posted here xD To enlarge the community...
  17. Best oly char is certainly SoulHound...Steal Buffs and then attack with magic...and he has many self buffs.......Plus+ they r good at PvP
  18. its sooo good for a faction server...(and not only) Keep Sharing
  19. [off]well i rly like the armor [on] its a great share btw /off do u have your own server?
  20. ;D ok i am here to advertise my friend's srv its called L2 RioT and its an amazingly good server excpet we doont have many ppl on. Here's the Hopzone link : http://l2.hopzone.net/lineage2/moreinfo/L2RioT/73305.html Here's the site's link : http://l2riot.hopto.org/ ~PvP Server~ xp rate x2000.0 sp rate x2000.0 adena rate x2000.0 drop rate x3 U gain vesper items suprizingly quickly and u gain rb rings from rbs rbs respawn : retail Adena currency : Gb Important item : Angelic Essences 3 Farming Areas : 1.1 and 1.2 for angelic essences leveling up ( 78-85) , 2.1 and 2.2 angelic essences ( No Pk allowed) 3area drop: attribute crystals FOR MORE INFORMATION COME AND JOIN PM ME IN THE NAME OF lNamine AND I WILL BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO INFORM YOU WITH GREAT DETAIL. (because of the minimum number of ppl online many free heroes possitions :P)
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