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Everything posted by `Vaxil

  1. Thank You Too For Your Precious Compliment :)
  2. l2infogate ( pfffff)- daggeras c9 times....kai pistepste me eimoun full +0 kai exona aneta enan mago + 10
  3. so guyz may i ask you something? ( you will say NO but i will ask anyways) have you ever encountered anyone in MMORPGs who is burned+mounted on his computer and he is 18 and above? I have encountered many ppl who are 22-34 yeard old and they play Lineage 2 all day.... And here's is my question : Do these ppl have a wellpaid job , family or even friends =/ ?
  4. so u actually say that in your life you were always perfect?
  5. i know but the thing is that i write rly fast on my keyboard so i don't check for mistakes..... the main idea is that u all understood what i wanted to say.. =/
  6. Mine EXTRASUPEDUPERMEGA embarassing moment was when i was 6 i was playing at the beach and i was rdy swim when my pants went off cause they had been grapped by a stick and i was trying to de-grap them naked T_T
  7. so the tittle says it all......START!
  8. that's what i do.... You name it, you have it.
  9. lol MxC are crazy..that's for sure.
  10. Lock it , or better delete it.
  11. AAAAAA that was not funny!!!!!! i hate you........i hate all of you!
  13. Yeah "maybe" he is as we here in greece say psonio...( i enlgish it means somoene who has a very big idea of himself)
  14. i think he is rly banned.......... or if he is not i am going to kick everyone's ass for making me angry :@
  15. yeah i know that can do it but should'n we and raule be informed?? or u know he could just give him a warning!!
  16. but that is not fair!!! as i can remember raule was a very active and helpfull member!!! :@
  17. Guyz so what if Raule flamed Grisom????? I mean the world didn't die!!!!!! and some other members with great privileges have flamed other members with the same or more privileges but nothing happened!!!!!!!!!! Does Grisom has such a huge dignity??
  18. hah totally aggre with ya
  19. OMG lol'ed for almost one hour xax0a0x0ax0a00x /ontopic he flamed grisom and devangell he should burn in hell! MUAHAHAHA See ya!
  20. at 1st february i just became 14 and i have my own server ( with maxcheaters help ofc) and my own pc !!! I AM HAPPY :3 and on regard to what somoene here said I wanna grow faster, but that doesn't mean i am 11 or below lol
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