Ok, I'm going to continue with this because I really want the client HWID and the basic protection from this DLL.
Maybe others with the same need and more knowledge or wanting to help can join in this crusade
This is what I have/found.
This contain 5 files:
Fire_U.dll - Unpacked. Found in RUS forum.
Fire_P1.dll - Packed. Same file as Fire_U.dll but Packed.
Fire_U1.dll - Unpacked Fire_P1.dll by me.
Fire_P2.dll - Packed. Another version.
Fire_U2.dll - Unpacked Fire_P2.dll by me.
If you use Fire_U.dll (rename to Fire.dll in your system) the client show you an error after loading the dll:
Runtime error 216 at 1314421A
All the unpacked files throw the same error and the error happen here.
.text:131441F0 loc_131441F0: ; CODE XREF: System::__linkproc__ StartLib(void)+44↑j
.text:131441F0 mov dword_1319C63C, ecx
.text:131441F6 mov eax, offset j_RaiseException
.text:131441FB mov dword_1319C014, eax
.text:13144200 mov eax, offset j_RtlUnwind
.text:13144205 mov dword_1319C018, eax
.text:1314420A call unknown_libname_67 ; BDS 2005-2007 and Delphi6-7 Visual Component Library
.text:1314420F mov eax, [ebp+0Ch]
.text:13144212 inc eax ; Increment by 1
.text:13144213 mov byte_1319C658, al
.text:13144218 dec eax ; Decrement by 1
.text:13144219 pop ecx
.text:1314421A mov edx, [ecx] ; Error: Runtime error 216 at 1314421A
.text:1314421C mov dword_1319C654, edx
.text:13144222 jz short loc_1314422B ; Jump if Zero (ZF=1)
.text:13144224 cmp al, 3 ; Compare Two Operands
.text:13144226 jge short loc_1314422B ; Jump if Greater or Equal (SF=OF)
.text:13144228 call dword ptr [ecx+eax*4] ; Indirect Call Near Procedure
int __userpurge System::__linkproc__ StartLib@<eax>(int *a1@<eax>, int a2@<edx>, int a3@<ecx>, int a4@<ebx>, int a5@<ebp>, int a6@<edi>, int a7@<esi>, void (__cdecl *a8)(int *))
int v8; // ecx
int v9; // eax
int v10; // eax
int *v11; // ecx
int v12; // eax
int *v15; // [esp-4h] [ebp-4h]
qmemcpy((void *)(a5 - 60), &dword_1319C630, 0x2Cu);
dword_1319C650 = a6;
dword_1319C64C = a7;
dword_1319C644 = a5;
dword_1319C648 = a4;
dword_1319C638 = (int)a1;
dword_1319C640 = a2;
dword_1319C630 = a5 - 60;
v8 = 0;
if ( !*(_DWORD *)(a5 + 12) )
v8 = *a1;
dword_1319C63C = v8;
dword_1319C014 = (int)j_RaiseException;
dword_1319C018 = (int)j_RtlUnwind;
unknown_libname_67((_EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD *)a5);
v9 = *(_DWORD *)(a5 + 12) + 1;
byte_1319C658 = *(_BYTE *)(a5 + 12) + 1;
v10 = v9 - 1;
v11 = (int *)a3;
dword_1319C654 = *(_DWORD *)a3; // The error happen here
if ( v10 && (char)v10 < 3 )
(*(void (**)(void))(a3 + 4 * v10))();
v15 = v11;
if ( a8 )
v12 = *(_DWORD *)(a5 + 12);
if ( (char)v12 >= 3 )
((void (*)(void))v15[v12])();
if ( !dword_1319C02C )
byte_1319C034 = 1;
if ( *(_DWORD *)(a5 + 12) != 1 )
System::__linkproc__ Halt0(a8);
return System::_16705();
This is all for the moment. I update the post when have more info :)