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Everything posted by M00xlas

  1. L2Gold,L2G-Oldschool (o palios perisotero)
  2. Thnx , i was in need of a walker for c4 :)
  3. Why are they destroying l2?Two summons on one summoner = certain death for everyone ,except other summoners ofcourse :D
  4. I think it depends from where the server is(like if it is ro server there will be many romanians),but generally speaking the majority of players are greeks.
  5. interlude > gracia ,gt oi chars ston gracia moiazoun me toons
  6. I think that we should be able to vote all three options,cuz all of them destryed l2.I mean that first you farm a lot ,then you get bored of killing,and one day the server closes due to laziness of admins/corruption etc...
  7. L2Gold,L2G-Oldskool (the old one)
  8. enas mid rate server , me kala k balanced weapons/armors , opou na min iparxoun overpowered chars/trela donate.
  9. i was playing on gold and someone came from nowhere and dropped infront of me 1.1kkk ;D
  10. afto vsk eksartatai apo ton server,se high rate 8a valeis heavy , alla se mid-low 8a valeis light.
  11. se grand khauatari heavy armor?...etsi ki allios light armor mastery exei...
  12. mpa kai fetos p epeza l2 (1h lykeiou) pira 16.8,opote pezei rolo to poso se noiazoun ta ma8imata kai ean prosexeis sto ma8hma.
  13. po pandhmia to l2 1h gymnasiou:17,5 2a gymnasiou:18,5 3h gymnasiou: 15 mantepste ton logo p epesan oi va8moi ;D
  14. kalo fenete ,alla otan mpenw m fortonei mono to hp twn npcs :/ (dld an targetarw enan pexti den deixnei tpt ,mono name kai class) kanw kati la8os egw?(to xrhsimopoiw se c4)
  15. psifizo c4...kai mia erotisi : to prelude ti einai? xD
  16. o palios gold pisteuw...an kai den ton prolava poly (ka8ws arxisa l2 oso allaze se euroworld) nomizw oti ton exoun psiloxalasei oi twrinoi gms...
  17. 1)A 2)A 3)B 4)A 5)B 6)B 7)B 8 )D 9)B 10)A 11)A 12)B 13)A 14)B 15)A
  18. why don't you start now?it is said that there will be no wipe after beta
  19. emas afth p mas ekane arxaia to prosperase afto to kefaleo xD
  20. Gold because in my opinion l2elite's customs are a bit boring,plus l2gold has full buffs xD
  21. to pio spastiko einai na pigeneis gia rb kai panw pou to telioneis na erxonte oi donators kai xonoun olo sou to pt + na sou pernoun kai ta drops (m exei simvei arketes fores ston oldschool)
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