Well,i have used most of the explorers(internet explorer,mozilla firefox,google chrome,opera,flock) and i can say that the best is google chrome,as most of the pages open faster than they used to open with the other explorers.
Ti lete wre kailes?Tha dinate ta lefta sas gia kati mh sigouro(ennoontas oti o server mporei na klisei) kai gia kati pou stin telikh de s fernei efxaristhsh?(skotoses oti skotoses,ti katalaves?)
Egw 8a efeuga apo thn ellada an kerdiza to tzoker,kai 8a pigena se kapia allh xwra (se kapoia skandinavikh xwra kata protimhsh) kai 8a ekana mia zwh san kanonikos an8rwpos.
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