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Everything posted by DnR

  1. Unlikely other clients,you have to add server ip to hosts file and NOT in L2.ini. I believe this is what you have done wrong.
  2. Since you copied the code from L2j Freya,i guess you have no problem to copy this. Here is the commit of Hellbound Release: http://trac.l2jdp.com/changeset/4541/trunk/datapack_development/data/stats/skills/0500-0599.xml http://trac.l2jserver.com/changeset/2044 You don't need to modify condition.It's wrong in the commit.
  3. In net/sf/l2j/gameserver, there is a class called CastleUpdater. This is the task you are looking for. And this is the example(5k aa per hour.) if (_RunCount % 1 == 0) warehouse.addItem("Castle", 5575, 5000, null, null);
  4. Uparxei kanenas tropos na vrw ton dimiourgo mias selidas tou facebook?
  5. Are you using the same JRE version in both computers?
  6. Actually,you have to add the minions' ids in minions.sql
  7. You have to modify NpcTable either way.Set serversidetitle of the selected monster to 1, or client title will be the default one,no matter what you do.
  8. If you 're open to few suggestions,i can provide you with the most suitable fix. First of all,attack is caused by skill intention.There are several skills that force the character to attack when the casting is finished. I believe the problem is in L2Character/void onMagicFinalizer Just change this line: if (skill.getSkillType() == SkillType.PDAM || skill.getSkillType() == SkillType.BLOW || skill.getSkillType() == SkillType.DRAIN_SOUL || skill.getSkillType() == SkillType.SOW || skill.getSkillType() == SkillType.SPOIL) { - if ((getTarget() != null) && (getTarget() instanceof L2Character)) + if ((getTarget() != null) && (getTarget() instanceof L2Character) && targets[0] == getTarget()) getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, getTarget()); }
  9. I 've never picked a cursed weapon in L2Off,but i think you might find C5 notes helpful. http://www.lineage2.com/news/chronicle5_08.html#zariche If you take a look at 2,3,8,9 , you will notice that skill usage is possible. Wars and Parties The following will be applied to the character who possesses Zariche in PvP, clans wars, and in parties. 1. A player carrying Zariche cannot attack players that are level 20 or lower. In the same respect, players must be level 21 or higher to attack the character wielding Zariche. 2. When striking (excluding magic and physical skills) players, including Heroes, their CP is instantly reduced to 0. 3. When a Hero strikes (excluding magic and physical skills) a character wielding Zariche, the CP of that character is instantly reduced to 0. 4. PK penalties such as experience point loss, item drops, karma increases, etc. will not be applicable to either side when a player wielding Zariche is involved. 5. A player wielding Zariche cannot join a party with other players. 6. If a player acquires Zariche while in a party, that character is automatically withdrawn from that party. 7. The player wielding Zariche cannot use the party matching system or command channel. 8. The player wielding Zariche cannot give or accept buffs and may not be healed or heal other players. However, he or she may use buffs and heal themselves. 9. The player wielding Zariche may summon a pet/servitor, but may not ride a pet.
  10. Yes, M.atk is a contributory factor for skill success rate.However,it's no big deal whether your weapon gets 1, 2 or 3 extra enchants or not.
  11. 4shared virus detection isn't responding for this file. Is it clean?
  12. I know the patch notes better than my name,there is a clue in IL but it doesn't match l2j's implemention. In l2j,all kind of magic is blocked.However,only certain skills are mentioned in the patch notes. http://www.lineage2.com/news/interlude_03.html#existing
  13. Since what l2 version is shield defense affecting magic?I once read it somewhere but i can't remember. (Post link of the source too.)
  14. Add prefix and server name :)
  15. C5 source is currently invalid. Has anyone got a link for it?
  16. Actually there was also something wrong with client. I replaced system folder with another one and i have a badargumentexception every time i try to log. That's something :D
  17. I tried to connect using a C4 client (c4 pack ofc,using local ip) but nothing happened after clicking the login button. Interlude works fine,gracia as well. What do i have to know about C4 client connection that changed on the passage of time? :S
  18. Kane mia dokimi L2PcInstance public void doAutoLoot(L2Attackable target, L2Attackable.RewardItem item) { if (isInParty()&&ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId()).getItemType() != L2EtcItemType.HERB) getParty().distributeItem(this, item, false, target); else if (item.getItemId() == 57) addAdena("Loot", item.getCount(), target, true); - else addItem("Loot", item.getItemId(), item.getCount(), target, true); }
  19. I'm not sure if this works,but try to give character offline status. try { isDetached(true); L2PcInstance player = L2GameClient.this.getActiveChar(); if (player != null) { if (!player.isInOlympiadMode() && !player.isFestivalParticipant() && !TvTEvent.isPlayerParticipant(player.getObjectId()) && !player.isInJail()) { if ((player.isInStoreMode() && Config.OFFLINE_TRADE_ENABLE) || (player.isInCraftMode() && Config.OFFLINE_CRAFT_ENABLE)) { player.leaveParty(); + player.setOnlineStatus(false); if (Config.OFFLINE_SET_NAME_COLOR) { player.getAppearance().setNameColor(Config.OFFLINE_NAME_COLOR); player.broadcastUserInfo(); } return; } } if (player.isInCombat() || player.isLocked()) { fast = false; } } cleanMe(fast); }
  20. If players are unable to enable/disable it,it's just a useless code made to impress ppl. It's not like all people in the world can speak english,some players have to use their own language in order to be in contact.
  21. Jeeeeeeeezus!!!!!! I don't want to eliminate your chances for more players but you have to stop saying it's retail-like.
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