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Everything posted by DnR

  1. https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/L2JLisvus/trunk/
  2. Dont get pissed,that was a spammer with 19 posts lol.
  3. I think thats better. Heal.java for (L2Character target: (L2Character[]) targets) { // We should not heal if char is dead if (target == null || target.isDead()) continue; // We should not heal walls and door if(target instanceof L2DoorInstance) continue; + + if(activeChar.isInsideZone(L2Character.ZONE_PEACE) && !target.isInsideZone(L2Character.ZONE_PEACE)) + continue;
  4. Or you can expand your java knowledge and find out how to make guards see silent moved players. L2AttackableAI private boolean autoAttackCondition(L2Character target) { if (target == null || !(_actor instanceof L2Attackable)) return false; L2Attackable me = (L2Attackable) _actor; // Check if the target isn't invulnerable if (target.isInvul()) { // However EffectInvincible requires to check GMs specially if (target instanceof L2PcInstance && ((L2PcInstance) target).isGM()) return false; if (target instanceof L2Summon && ((L2Summon) target).getOwner().isGM()) return false; } // Check if the target isn't a Folk or a Door if (target instanceof L2FolkInstance || target instanceof L2DoorInstance) return false; // Check if the target isn't dead, is in the Aggro range and is at the same height if (target.isAlikeDead() || !me.isInsideRadius(target, me.getAggroRange(), false, false) || Math.abs(_actor.getZ() - target.getZ()) > 300) return false; if (_selfAnalysis.cannotMoveOnLand && !target.isInsideZone(L2Character.ZONE_WATER)) return false; // Check if the target is a L2PlayableInstance if (target instanceof L2PlayableInstance) { // Check if the AI isn't a Raid Boss and the target isn't in silent move mode -- if (!(me instanceof L2RaidBossInstance) && ((L2PlayableInstance) target).isSilentMoving()) + if (!(meinstanceof L2RaidBossInstance) && !(me instanceof L2GuardInstance) && ((L2PlayableInstance)target).isSilentMoving()) return false; }
  5. As he said,he is working on l2j software for over 6 years. You dont give enough infos. The problem could be anything. Btw is this the max number of buffs you can get?
  6. As you all know,1 of skill mastery's effects is to make an effect's duration double. The problem is that when you restart,the buff has its own duration. Any fix for this?
  7. Tried to change the effect count? Change it and make sure that this is set to true. # If True, when effects of the same stack group are used, lesser # effects will be canceled if stronger effects are used. New effects # that are added will be canceled if they are of lesser priority to the old one. # If False, they will not be canceled, and it will switch to them after the # stronger one runs out, if the lesser one is still in effect. # Retail: true CancelLesserEffect = True
  8. Of course it blocks debuffs,its a newbie share.
  9. Change this: <set name="maxNegated" val="5" /> Its the number of buffs :)
  10. The revision is l2jserver's latest Hellbound,but it was fine before. I checked trained pets' support magic,newbie guide's support magic,all grandboss skills and some monster skills in random areas. I never checked npcs' casting conditions after the following changesets i added. This was an update to improve casting conditions and everything works fine for PCs and summons.
  11. Vres ta kai allakse to bonus. Active:Item Skill: Duel Might id 3134 Chance:Item Skill: Duel Might id 3217 Passive:Item Skill: Duel Might id 3243
  12. Basika einai Kamael plus feature:P Btw,exei polla la8i to guide akoma kai antigrammeno:P Maximum 600 gia weapons kai 240 gia armors(1200 sunolo an exoun to idio element ola parts).
  13. Afou opws eipe o vagos ksekollas otan kaneis target to name sou,dokimase auto. Iparxei mia mikri pi8anotita oti to epomeno tick 8a doulevei+8a kratiseis to FP. if (!FloodProtector.getInstance().tryPerformAction(player.getObjectId(), FloodProtector.PROTECTED_PACKETS)) { player.setTarget(player); return; }
  14. With this way,a player wont be able to add a tank sub on orc mystic.
  15. Try this,i hope it will help you. PlayerClass.java static { Set<PlayerClass> subclasses = getSet(null, Third); subclasses.removeAll(neverSubclassed); mainSubclassSet = subclasses; subclassSetMap.put(DarkAvenger, subclasseSet1); subclassSetMap.put(Paladin, subclasseSet1); subclassSetMap.put(TempleKnight, subclasseSet1); subclassSetMap.put(ShillienKnight, subclasseSet1); + subclassSetMap.put(Overlord, subclasseSet1); + subclassSetMap.put(Warcryer, subclasseSet1);
  16. I m sorry,i m not using IL pack and i didnt know that Oly works like that. I have no time to do a check for dead players so i give you this. If player is not in arena,he cannot be validated as winner,he will lose the match.:) I think its a good protection for many servers. double playerOneHp = 0; try { -- if (_playerOne != null && !_playerOneDisconnected) + if (_playerOne != null && !_playerOneDisconnected && Olympiad.getInstance().playerInStadia(_playerOne)) { if (!_playerOne.isDead()) { playerOneHp = _playerOne.getCurrentHp()+_playerOne.getCurrentCp(); } } } catch (Exception e) { playerOneHp = 0; } double playerTwoHp = 0; try { -- if (_playerTwo != null && !_playerTwoDisconnected) + if (_playerTwo != null && !_playerTwoDisconnected && Olympiad.getInstance().playerInStadia(_playerTwo)) { if (!_playerTwo.isDead()) { playerTwoHp = _playerTwo.getCurrentHp()+_playerTwo.getCurrentCp(); } } }
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