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Everything posted by Elecktrozz

  1. Thank you for feedback
  2. http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/4503/96789683.jpg
  3. Don't judge the book by its cover...
  4. I make -payScard-s To Paypal Exchanges -payScard-s > PayPal < My Rates Are: 10€ -payScard- - 8€ Paypal 25€ -payScard- - 22€ Paypal 50€ -payScard- - 45€ Paypal 100€ -payScard- - 90€ Paypal All the payment's will be sent as "Gift" but my credit card will keep some fee too. Payments are instant,that means you will get the money fast!!! (2-5mins)
  5. i send you prv msg
  6. I need to exchange 130 euro paysafecards to paypal ! Fast
  7. gj psycho
  8. thx for share :d
  9. i like this project.... but they should fix observator form olympiad
  10. Fresh Lineage 2 Server Lin ][ LighTninG started on 12th November '12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Server Rate's ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rate XP : x1000 Rate SP : x1000 ADENA: 1000x Party XP / SP Rate : 2.0 Safe Enchant : +4 Max Enchant Weapon's : +16(With Blessed Scroll) +20(With Crystall Scroll) Max Enchant Armor's : +16(With Blessed Scroll) +20(With Crystall Scroll) Max Enchant Jewels: +16(With Blessed Scroll) +20(With Crystall Scroll) ---------------------- Enchant's -------------------------- Normal Rate Enchant : 70% Blessed Rate Enchant : 85% Crystall Rate Enchant : 100% (After +16) ---------------------- Server Area's -------------------------- Primeval Isle [PvP / Pk] Execution Grounds [PvP / Pk] The Giants Cave [PvP / Pk] Anthara's Nest [PvP / Pk] Gludin Town [safe] ---------------------- Custom Item's -------------------------- Custom Crown : 20% Atck. Speed / Cast. Speed Custom Tattoo : 20% P.def +1.000 HP +500 MP ---------------------- Feature's -------------------------- Team vs Team Event daily [AUTO] 85% All bugs fixed 99% Retail Balance Classes 99% Working Skills # Custom Gatekeeper [Global Gatekeeper] Full Interlude Zones # Vote Manager [Vote Manager] You can buy Custom Items # Custom Shop [Custom Shop] You can buy miscellanous items with LighTninG Stone's # Custom Buffer [buffer] with all buffs 2nd , 3rd classes # Custom Augumenter [Augumenter] ---------------------- (Lin ][ LighTninG) Machine -------------------------- Processors: 2 x Intel Quad Core 3.00Ghz Processors RAM: 16GB 800Mhz FBD RAM Installed (8 x 2GB Dual-Rank Dimms) 1000/Mbs Uptime 100.0% ---------------------- Drop Per Moob -------------------------- LighTninG-Stone's drop per moob -50*70- Chance 100.0% Tyrannosaurus [ Special Droop ] 5-10 Top Life Stone's 100.0% Nightmare [ Special Droop ] 1 Nightmare Tattoo 25.0% ---------------------- Lin][LighTninG Website Click Here--------------------------
  11. thx a lot again for another exchange goodd ! :D
  12. Another transaction with succes , good luck again :D
  13. its not the first project :)
  14. this is how I start :) homemade but is 100% uptime no lag and if somebody have any problems can contact me everytime skype / yahoo /phone
  15. Fresh Lineage 2 Server Lin ][ LighTninG started on 12th November '12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Server Rate's ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rate XP : x1000 Rate SP : x1000 ADENA: 1000x Party XP / SP Rate : 2.0 Safe Enchant : +4 Max Enchant Weapon's : +16(With Blessed Scroll) +20(With Crystall Scroll) Max Enchant Armor's : +16(With Blessed Scroll) +20(With Crystall Scroll) Max Enchant Jewels: +16(With Blessed Scroll) +20(With Crystall Scroll) ---------------------- Enchant's -------------------------- Normal Rate Enchant : 70% Blessed Rate Enchant : 85% Crystall Rate Enchant : 100% (After +16) ---------------------- Server Area's -------------------------- Primeval Isle [PvP / Pk] Execution Grounds [PvP / Pk] The Giants Cave [PvP / Pk] Anthara's Nest [PvP / Pk] Gludin Town [safe] ---------------------- Custom Item's -------------------------- Custom Crown : 15% Atck. Speed / Cast. Speed ---------------------- Feature's -------------------------- Team vs Team Event daily [AUTO] 85% All bugs fixed 99% Retail Balance Classes 99% Working Skills # Custom Gatekeeper [Global Gatekeeper] Full Interlude Zones # Vote Manager [Vote Manager] You can buy Custom Items # Custom Shop [Armors] You can buy miscellanous items with LighTninG Stone's # Custom Buffer [buffer] with all buffs 2nd , 3rd classes # Custom Augumenter [Augumenter] ---------------------- (Lin ][ LighTninG) Machine -------------------------- Processors: 2 x Intel Quad Core 3.00Ghz Processors RAM: 16GB 800Mhz FBD RAM Installed (8 x 2GB Dual-Rank Dimms) 1000/Mbs Uptime 100.0% ---------------------- Drop Per Moob -------------------------- LighTninG-Stone's drop per moob -50*70- Chance 100.0% Tyrannosaurus [ Special Droop ] 5-10 Top Life Stone's 100.0% ---------------------- Other -------------------------- Server is stable and for any problems the gm's are online everytime / everyday to fix any errors/buggs and problems of players ---------------------- Lin][LighTninG Website Click Here--------------------------
  16. good exchanger ! i get the money instant ! good luck
  17. WTT 50Euro paysafe to paypal fast please help me :D
  18. http://www.failai.lt/z40e68v2u3in/Desert-Ealgle-Wings--Interlude--by-CriticalError.rar.htm W
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