Fresh Lineage 2 Server L ][ Arin started on 27th March '10
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Server Rate's ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Rate XP : x500
Rate SP : x500
ADENA: 500x
Party XP / SP Rate : 2.0
Safe Enchant : +3
Max Enchant Weapon's : +16
Max Enchant Armor's : +10
---------------------- Enchant's --------------------------
Normal Rate Enchant : 70%
Blessed Rate Enchant : 85%
---------------------- Server Area's --------------------------
Primeval Isle [PvP / Pk]
Imperial Tomb [PvP / Pk]
Gludin Town [safe]
---------------------- Custom Item's --------------------------
Apella Robe [WIT +2 , INT +1 , MEN +1]
Apella Light [DEX +2, STR +2 , CON +2]
Apella Heavy [DEX +1 , STR +4 , CON +2]
---------------------- Feature's --------------------------
Team vs Team, CTF Event Events daily [AUTO]
85% All bugs fixed
99% Retail Balance Classes
99% Working Skills
# Custom Gatekeeper [Esscordia] Full Interlude Zones
# Custom Shop [Weapons] with Weapons Grade (S,A,B,C,D)
# Custom Shop [Armors] with Armors Grade (S,A,B,C,D)
# Custom Shop [Walter] with Armors , Jewels , Weapons [lvl2] , Quests Items , Scrolls
# Custom Shop [Luiza] with Miscellanous Items
# Custom NPC [L][Arin] with Informations from game
# Custom Buffer [Miriam] with all buffs 2nd , 3rd classes
# Custom Augumenter [Raul]
# Custom NPC Protection SPECIAL [Arin] Protect server when GM's are .offline
---------------------- (L2Arin) Machine --------------------------
Processors: 2 x Intel Quad Core 3.00Ghz Processors
RAM: 16GB 800Mhz FBD RAM Installed (8 x 2GB Dual-Rank Dimms)
Uptime 100.0%
---------------------- Drop Per Moob --------------------------
Iron Ore drop per moob -100- Chance 100.0%
Steel drop per moob -100- Chance 100.0%
Seer Of Blood [ Special Droop ] 350 Iron Ore / Steel Chance 100.0%
Tyrannosaurus [ Special Droop ] 500 Iron Ore / Steel Chance 100.0%
---------------------- --------------------------