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Everything posted by Onix

  1. i mean count if your database is in the tables in custom_npc then count as entries to your sql file for compatibility of entries to disagree because you lack one now understand me? :)
  2. have problem because, he dont have in host this line : localhost l2authd.lineage2.com l2testauthd.lineage2.com if add and again have same problem he must change line on this : MinProtocolRevision = 1 MaxProtocolRevision = 999 he can find it in gameserver-->config-->server.propeties and tell here if have again problem :)
  3. so you can fix it easy :) read this error [Err] 1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 so you have bad structure on file in our file .sql :)
  4. yes Gx right but he can edit too host if he dont know how open l2.ini :) add this line our host localhost L2testauthd.lineage2.com L2authd.lineage2.com and work perfect :)
  5. Peter you can upload this file xml on speedyshare hosting and i look what you have wrong ? :)
  6. he can too change on npc file .sql change this INSERT INTO `custom_npc` for this INSERT INTO `npc` and work if you have a problem with errors look structure tables or look mayby you have allready id on db ;]
  7. why not loaded? because you wrong write our multisell i show you how must see real file .xml Example: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <!-- Gold Bar System --> <list> <!-- Gold Bar For Apella Helm --> <item id="1"> <ingredient id='2807' count='5'/> <production id='7860' count='1'/> </item> </list> if you have same text on our multisell and other id must working i think you write something wrong :)
  8. Nice Share Devangell :D so i tested it and work perffect ;)
  9. i see this duals anyway thx for share it i upload and test my server because i collection all weapons and armors so my client side have many gb with textures/systextures :P :)
  10. hmm i use search? if a person adds share, this should also give link, and do not tell me the stuff I just would expect this link here ...
  11. funny weapon, stats nice :D btw all weapon you can change stats it knows ;]
  12. yeah forget add link to download :P if add i download anyway nice shared ThX ;]
  13. look here price mayby you like :D http://www.giga-international.com/
  14. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=81843.0 pls next time use search :)
  15. it no share :P so save id barakiel in notepad when saved delete barakiel and use this command //spawn 25325 1 3600 so you change respawn time for 1h :)
  16. take other server pack l2jteon :)
  17. i write my command on my server and good woking :)
  18. you can too use this command //spawn (npcid) 1 (time in seconds)
  19. possible with a small percentage the inclusion
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