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Everything posted by Onix

  1. ok send me and i check what wrong u have.
  2. i can help u only need program team vievier 5 have it?
  3. so i only say u this is possible :P
  4. awesome share and good job thanks for share it. keep shared !
  5. can only need 30k sp and 650k adena :D
  6. u have problem in scripts possible console dont load it. u can too have change in gameserver/config seetings propeties this line for True u must change it for False and make server restart look it and test when problem dont solved write here. # Don't load quests AltDevNoQuests = False
  7. can show us photo with this problem?
  8. nice template & good work thanks for share it ! keep sharing ;)
  9. auto create account u find here loginserver --> loginserver.propeties --> find this line AutoCreateAccounts = true i think u understand :P
  10. i never have this problem in my gameserver console i think java say, u have out memory u need free space 1024000 bytes u must check again your memory. if i write wrong someone else can help you who meet with this problem.
  11. belive me better to use eclipse and u get clean server pack + allready copiled ;)
  12. rates u can change here gameserver --> config --> rates.propeties if u dont want make all mobs same xp/sp u can change it manual target mob shift + left click mouse later choose edit npc and change for your xp/sp moobs ;) added custom items to client u find in guide written by devangell http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=113521.0
  13. good share and awesome i like it ! thanks for share it ! keep sharing !
  14. u cant use eclipse? and download clean l2jserver pack ? easy and fast ;) here have guide how to compile and get clean server pack http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=81843.0
  15. have it i think u want this guides. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=50068.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=92146.0 btw use search next time u can find all what u need trust me.
  16. ahahaha awesome share ! good work i wait for next your share good luck thanks :D
  17. u use custom npc for enchant skills or normal npc? u can have too problem in your system.
  18. u must edit systemmsg-e.dat and search this line and change to your ;)
  19. Wrong Section Write Here http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=68.0
  20. good idea and make all weapons the same textures as draconic bow ;)
  21. NeferTiti only i can say good working !!! thx a lot keep it !! :)
  22. awesome share good working shapes make more weapons thanks a lot ;)
  23. pfff i try help u i dont spam, so wait when i take vip member so i give u too -1 no-problem for bad words from me ...
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