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About Akz

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  1. Main: Feoh Wizard lv88 (Base Mystic Muse) Subclass: Elven Elder lv50 Top R items Twilight Robe Set +3 (magic type), full resists on all parts (3x60) Twilight Sigil Twilight Jewels Apocalypse Caster Acumen 170 Water Only serious offers please. I will give the email which is inside the account too. Send offers in private message here or contact me and the address below. email: andrei101919@yahoo.com
  2. Probably you did some bullshit codes inside that file. Recheck it.
  3. Insert manually into merchantbuylists.SQL
  4. Re-check your configs.
  5. Could be server files problem. But most likely it's related to your OS configuration.
  6. Can someone post a list of working features? I couldn't find it on forums and I'm too lazy to look into the files... :D
  7. It's custom. Steel Citadel isn't supposed to be an instance zone.
  8. Those 'doors' are not handled as real doors by the server. Those are just some 'pics' displayed by the client, as they weren't made on purpose to be opened. Can be made to open, but requires client modding; not even sure it can be done so easily. :P In conclusion, better leave them as they are. :P
  9. Dude forget it, you don't even have the basic knowledge to run a server. Guys like you ruin the image of private servers; not being able to write one damn line of code but still running servers >.<
  10. L2Open. Pros: -many features -good devs Cons: -many features work totally custom -some code is written really bad causing errors/crashes Can't remember more now, it's late. :P
  11. Internet Rules; rule #1: There are no girls on the Internet. :P Joking. :D
  12. In fact it's: irony_begin action_name=[autoLoot] effect={pick_drops} basic_property=none attribute=attr_none target_type=self affect_scope=single affect_limit={0;0} irony_end Lost 1 min of my life to write your auto-loot code, pay me! :P
  13. It's easier to run SQL-update. :P
  14. Explain to him how to use that, doubt he knows. :P
  15. You won't find fully working packs. But you can make a nice Java based server with 2-3 good devs.
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