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Everything posted by SoulEater

  1. OMG! WTF is hapening?
  2. Can Maxtor or any other mod tell me why i cant use edit on my topics! OMG! Please assap!
  3. The second one is from sofaki and its for CT1/CT2 MY SHARE IS FOR CT3! the first one is too old...this is a new one made be sofaki...OK GUYS?
  4. OMG! man if you dont like it dont use it! and...youporn.com is better!
  5. Guys i present you a really hard job but really funny This is an Adaption of her old naked patch Screenshots: Download Link: http://www.4shared.com/file/131635473/9c00be5a/Gracia_Final_Naked_Patch_by_SoFaKi.html Credits goes to: Sofaki as the creator! Kali for the Kamael race Thank you soooo much Sofaki! And me to sharing this!
  6. AWESOME WORK BRO! this is for real the best site i have ever seen!
  7. yeah! this is a very helpfull guide...you helped me a lot dude!
  8. omg! this is the greatest news that i have ever learned the last day! THANK YOU MAN!
  9. Hi lovely MaxCheaters! Tribal is back but wth a new name! :-\ This is why i got banned!shhhhs!dont tell anyone ;D :D ;) Well i am soo happy cause i am again with you guys!
  10. :/ i dont know...i only show the tittle! let me check again the site an i will tell you!
  11. This is very good work from NCsoft...but its simple...cause its free! well...this is a very nice free online game! It looks like L2 in some part of the game but its more animed more the L2!
  12. I think that those who picked the SanAndreas he dont know how the IV is... GTA IV is the best for sure!
  14. AION? AION is the bigest shit i have ever seen...ok...after the MU! Why do can someone leave L2 for this .i. NO WAY...Lineage2 forever my friend...until Lineage3 come XD
  15. 1.LineageII 2.TeamFortress 2 3.Counter Strike Source 4.GTA IV 5.Prototype 6.Heroes of Newerth[HoN] 7.Sims 3 8.Takken 9.Left 4 Dead 10.Worms
  16. Ikariam is the best!
  17. LineageII:Dwarf Magicians[girls],Human Galdiator,DarkElf Dagger Counter Strike:I like the firsy of the Terrorists...and the last of the Counter Terrorist! Pokemon [DS]:The guys who gives you the baby lucario! TeamFortress2:Spy,Sniper Half LIfe:Alex
  18. olu wraio file mou! efxaristw polu gia to share!
  19. yes i know but...i didnt knew how to create it! THANKS!
  20. OMG! How did you make this glows...can you give them to me?
  21. i dont think what interlude and gracia have the same animations...gracia clients a the same!not exactly but it is! I want to say...on gracia works because animations is the same anyway! ON interlude is has a big diferense!
  22. Thank you a lot my friend! I tried them! PROBLEM THAT I HAVE: First i put them to the table that the sql was for an it didnt work! After...i out them to the weapon table and it works! Note this please!
  23. yes...this should be better! about my post: i tried to give him somethink like that he asked cause i tried the other theme too...and it doesnt works!
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