Guys i present you a really hard job but really funny
This is an Adaption of her old naked patch
Download Link:
Credits goes to:
Sofaki as the creator!
Kali for the Kamael race
Thank you soooo much Sofaki!
And me to sharing this!
Hi lovely MaxCheaters!
Tribal is back but wth a new name! :-\
This is why i got banned!shhhhs!dont tell anyone ;D :D ;)
Well i am soo happy cause i am again with you guys!
This is very good work from NCsoft...but its simple...cause its free!
well...this is a very nice free online game!
It looks like L2 in some part of the game but its more animed more the L2!
AION is the bigest shit i have ever seen...ok...after the MU!
Why do can someone leave L2 for this .i.
NO WAY...Lineage2 forever my friend...until Lineage3 come XD
LineageII:Dwarf Magicians[girls],Human Galdiator,DarkElf Dagger
Counter Strike:I like the firsy of the Terrorists...and the last of the Counter Terrorist!
Pokemon [DS]:The guys who gives you the baby lucario!
Half LIfe:Alex
i dont think what interlude and gracia have the same animations...gracia clients a the same!not exactly but it is!
I want to say...on gracia works because animations is the same anyway!
ON interlude is has a big diferense!
Thank you a lot my friend!
I tried them!
First i put them to the table that the sql was for an it didnt work!
After...i out them to the weapon table and it works!
Note this please!