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Everything posted by SoulEater

  1. omg? blur?you mean blue? how do you want it?where do you want it! tell me! oh....name?
  2. I WILL NEVER GIVE THE PSD TO ANYONE! those sigs are mine desine... no one els can have it without a name on it! If you want a deferent name color or font just tell me and i will do it for you guys! i can do any changes on the sigs for everyone!
  3. You are ready guys!
  4. file afto sinbenei otan sthn database hparxei idi mia ID apo ta arxeia pou 8eleis na baleis! tsekarismeno afto! twra an palh den ginete...pou den nomizw na einai kati allo...den kserw!borei aftos pou eftiakse to sql arxeio na einia makakas!
  5. nothink my friend! these is all for you!
  6. http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/5998/lineagehumanarchermyarr.png
  7. Hi guys! Today i made some signatures for all you guys who you don't know how to make one! If you want to create somethink special for you just comment or PM me![if i can!.Please don't ask too hard things!] Choose the photo that you want and i will set your name on mine! Signatures: Avatars: if you want ti make one special for you...just comment or PM me!
  8. lol man...read! i am saying that i will put your name on it!by just comment which photo you want! i am just puting mine to noone can rip them!
  9. This topic have been moved!to visit it check this link! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=84051.0
  10. Realy good work...with this share i am thinking...make...or not a IL server? i dont use to like IL...but now i think i will make a server!
  11. Oh my god! You should realy spend a lot of your time to make these guide! This is for real a very good work and helped me a lot cause i didn't knew how to do this and i need it! Someone please give him +1 karma for his realy good work!
  12. Gamatos...polla den ei3era oti uphrxna kan sto forum!LoL! oso gia to modify...etc to exei kanei o maxtor...den boreis na kaneis kati edit meta apo mia wra!
  13. egw kati katalaba...to dhsmolo meros einai ekei me ta config kai to ccancel... an pathseis to confg kai to kratiseis pathmeno einai san na mhn to pathses...pas panw sto cancel to belaki ka8os exei pathmeno to config kai patas to cancel! LOGIKA!
  14. LoL pws to katalabes?
  15. You know man...with the new modification that maxtor did...you cant edit a topic that you mademore that a hour before!
  16. Yes this is what we all trying to say! can someone edit a topic for me?
  17. i cant understand what you re saying!
  18. Hahahahaha! Old memories! Well i think its Counter Strike! My old cousin took to a net cafe for a first time and he let m play with him for first time Counter Strike!He was a profesional on this...and didnt even know how to move the mouse...he teach me the frst game that i have ever plaied! the only good think that i remember from this game is that i took him a headshot and he got angry because his friends laugh with him tooo much!
  19. Ok guys! Lets all tell our opinion! I am staring! 1.Harry Potter and the odrder of the pheonix 2.Silent Hill 3.Death Race 4.Lord of the Rings 3 5.Kung Fu Panda[LoL] 6.Saw[All] 7.American Pie 5 -The Naked Mile 8.Heroes 9.Transformers Revenge Of The Fallen 10.Supernatural
  20. Is it out of rules to say my opinion?
  21. The new modification is: You cant edit your post after 1 hour from the time that you post it![60 min i think!] Do you like it? YES/NO
  22. Yes i saw that to now...i can edit my posts that i made now! OMFG! why did he do that?!?!?!? this is a realy bad for the forum...i think that many plp will have problems with it! My opinion...the forum was very nice without this Modification!Maxtor uninstall it please!
  23. mou thn dineiun ta php...den borw na ta ani3w me mozila gia na ta dw!!!kssereis pws borw moipos? a kai kati allo...molis kaneis to allo site...pes mou!
  24. Go on an netcafe and enjoy it! it's truly the best!
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