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Everything posted by TsIpIzTiK®

  1. Later : T Text : Tsipiztik Color : Orange with black Thanks!
  2. if you don't like somthink tell me waht style you want Signature: Avatar: Avatar2:
  3. if you don't like somthink tell me waht style you want Signature: Avatar: Avatar2:
  4. tell me if you like to do and one avatar sry for the out come but am newbie on photoshop
  5. i will try it if i do with 7400 i must add to patch or only databack and navicat? EDIT: Work Great Thx xAddytzu for help and all who try to help me ! Lock it
  6. i have add all class in navicat and work but i am stell dosen't see the antibuff shield XML <skill id="9007" levels="1" name="AntiBuff Shield"> <set name="mpConsume" val="0"/> <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/> <set name="reuseDelay" val="0"/> <set name="hitTime" val="-1"/> <set name="skillType" val="CONT"/> <set name="operateType" val="OP_TOGGLE"/> <set name="castRange" val="-1"/> <set name="effectRange" val="-1"/> <for> <effect count="1" name="AntiBuffShield" time="600000" val="0"/> </for> </skill> Skillgrp 9007 1 0 0 -1 1 120.000000 1 i icon.skill1050 0 0 0 0 8 10 Skillnane-e 9007 1 AntiBuff Shield Prevents from being grief buffed. none none skillsoundgrp 9007 1 SkillSound5.balance_life_cast SkillSound5.balance_life_shot 250.000000 40.000000 250.000000 40.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 chrsound.m_hfighter_element chrsound.f_hfighter_element chrsound.m_darkelf_element chrsound.f_darkelf_element chrsound.m_dwarf_type_b chrsound.f_dwarf_type_b chrsound.m_elf_element chrsound.f_elf_element chrsound.m_hmagician_element chrsound.f_hmagician_element chrsound.m_orc_fighter_type_b chrsound.f_orc_fighter_type_b chrsound.m_orc_magician_type_b chrsound.f_orc_magician_type_b chrsound.m_hfighter_notarget chrsound.f_hfighter_notarget chrsound.m_darkelf_notarget chrsound.f_darkelf_notarget chrsound.m_dwarf_notarget chrsound.f_dwarf_notarget chrsound.m_elf_notarget chrsound.f_elf_notarget chrsound.m_hmagician_notarget chrsound.f_hmagician_notarget chrsound.m_orc_fighter_notarget chrsound.f_orc_fighter_notarget chrsound.m_orc_magician_notarget chrsound.f_orc_magician_notarget 250.000000 50.000000
  7. i want to antibuff shield i and i have install it with java but in game i can't see the skill
  8. hello i have install the java mod with name Anti_Buff_Shield and work i can add the skill but i can't see these. So waht i must do? i think i must add the skill somewhere in the patch please help me
  9. 13k xilomtera 650 euro http://www.car.gr/classifieds/bikes/view/796246/
  10. 8a pas sto eclipse 8a bris ena java arxio opio 8es p.x. l2pcinstance.java 8a to kanis copy paste stin epifania ergasias epe3ergasia ctrl+a delete,meta bazis oti 8es mesa. meta gia na to balis sto eclipse copy k paste mesa sto eclipse eki pou sou lei to share
  11. nta3 na po tin ali8ia to site dn einai na to blepis alla k an ftia3o k ego ena diko m pistebo xirotero 8a to kano :) alla gia afto iparxi to rip gia enan aplo server i ta lefta k i embiri coders gia enan sobaro server :)
  12. dn boro na skefto kapio problem..isos 8a borousa na se boi8iso kalitera me team viwer
  13. benoune me to idio rooter? dld eisai se net k to server anigi apo ena pc se net?
  14. dn exis ena program gia no-ip? pou lei eki pera to no-ip sou k mia fatsoula afto Screen : ama dn to exis download link :click me k ama to exis de3i click k refresh host list
  15. to 2005 einai sosto to pollen alla bori na exi kapio preconfig pack to opio exi perazmena ta mana potion san custum item k oxi klasika
  16. hm.........to ixa pa8i mia fora pane sto client to no-ip k kane refresh gia na doume
  17. give us the WinRar Password to test and upload 4shared the topic is copy here is the proofs http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=72762.0 (but the link on follow dosn't work)
  18. orea tr 8a klisis to firewall k to antivirus sto internal dn nmz na eiparxi problima pou exis kalitera na balis *
  19. afou dn brikes afta pou 8es eki mesa pistebo pos poli diskola 8a ta bris sto maxcheaters
  20. am the real snoopi one mod check my ip and see how long time i login with snoopi and ban the shared acc
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