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About Tectonic

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  1. Joined yesterday
  2. Agree..give ur money to call ppl
  3. they are testing the pvp with their chars dude even with lege weapon true not
  4. You got the money but u dont have ppl online..i will try it on G.O.
  5. 3 times ? come on i mean all over the servers not only perseus ;)
  6. im really bored to collect how many times u opened a server ^_^
  7. So guys im here to tell you that im sorry for my trashtalking for aerogaming..they didnt scammed anything also they are doing good work..i figure out who scammed me and im feeling sorry for my attitude. Lets have fun ingame again!
  8. Server empty :/ not like before
  9. After i got scammed at L2 pride that i had same ID and PASS at aerogaming..also Sudden friend of infinity scammed a lot of ppl with that way..i decide to quit from aerogaming..i gave all my items to a friend..include Dynasty Blunt..but..i farmed that blunt with my Clan with clan craft..so they farmed me 3 glits and 150 tokens and i helped them to farm 10 glits +..my clan leader Tauriel(Dalthon-Kitsu) said to give it to him cuz he farmed it ? dunno i declined..after all he wanted all the items to him just to give it to the next guy? so i would lost 2 glits = my hours to farm 2 ppl armor and 1 weapon.. = the blunt will not keep it anyone..it will get deleted..from who? from his friend Infinity that playing with his alt char at Once Clan..so i logged today to check my blunt and qq i havent any blunt ^^ magic? [ :P] Drake2wow is infinity.. Have a nice day! Proove it if are faulse then , ofc u would say that since u are helping them . i got pictures , you dont to proove it im faulse. i like that u posted only here at L2 section cuz its ur friend server hehe funny. also its faulse that my item got trade to your clan again? with infinity powers? oh there isnt any corruption .
  10. how many servers u will open at 3months?
  11. One more failure..
  12. post a picture with online at the start and one now please..or stop it . cuz at site i can see all the time more than 250+ even ingame with l2net before 2 days at this local time was 226 on
  13. Lameguard added!
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