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Everything posted by HolySmoke

  1. Man u should read the rules..Double post+spamming here and @ DW's topic.Next time u will have -1 karma^^
  2. It's forum is down that's why we're posting here.. Btw every day i see players that i have never seen farming with full +30 weapons and whisper armors..Farty's clan(Destruction i think) is full of them..
  3. I'm pretty sure that the new GM is LiFo..^^ He is from Syros and he is banned so he is bored to start again from zero..So the possibilities are many ;D
  4. Off:pvpx was full of corruption.. On:Try l2eternal sin.. www.es-l2.com i think
  5. The last time i logged in to ur server(a previous one) it got wiped after 1 week..Now let's give it a second chance..
  6. Hi mengz i sell/trade items on l2 deathwhisper..I dont need real money.Only items or something like this on another server. If u are realy interested post here or pm me. -Thanks
  7. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=qnp500&s=4 L2 deathwhisper..
  8. Frank why don't u add the f*ck'n auto events?More ppl will join..And an auto rr will be wonderful
  9. I prefer watching Las Vegas,Boston Legal or Grey's Anatomy :P Anyway good job^^
  10. What are u waiting..They don't give a sh1t..No auto events/Full lag/Bugged sieges/bugged olympiad/full of l2net users..Really Xxr why don't u tell us what is the point of this wipe?..I am really interested to know.
  11. lol man stop spamming in all topics..ExtremeDwarf warned u but i have to dekarma u^^
  12. Up Teh Irons.. 3erei o Billakos :P
  13. fb ftw..Nothing More Nothing Less
  14. Server crushed again..Can some1 do something?..GrisoM maybe..
  15. Frank/GrisoM/Fakoykas u don't give a sh1t for the server! Server is the same as before and no Gms online..I have never seen xxr or fakoykas online..Why don't u add the autoevents? Is it difficult? Lag Lag Lag Lag // whole clans use l2net.. U realy don't give a sh1t..Btw some1 must restart the server.
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