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Everything posted by HolySmoke

  1. Stile ena pm me to msn s pl0x.
  2. Ppl online? Coz it seems interesting..
  3. InFam0usBites kaneme pm me to msn s.8elw ena 1v1 edw kai tr ;D
  4. Kai egw ekei pezw me tn ExtremeDwarf.Prin ligo anoi3e kai apla gamaei.. Oxi pl farm/exp alla pl pvp/events kai kosmo.Try it: www.l2dismay.com
  5. Study: 10/10 | Graduated High School with 19.6 (;o). Health: 8/10 | I got sick many times. Μοney: 9/10 | No Financial Probz. Love: 8/10 | I broke up with my gf but atm new biAtchez are going to replace her ;D
  6. Oxi re animal :P To diko s to exw ಠ_ಠ
  7. Kane m pm me to msn s. Kai ta leme ekei..
  8. Ofc I want!But with changes and responsible(oO) staff..
  9. Gamame BostonLegaL apla kai xalara.<3
  10. Ποιός διαβάζει αρχαία για τν δευτέρα τρ..
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