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Everything posted by HolySmoke

  1. Egw exw 3 wres agglika! 6-9 zwo! sks
  2. Oh men I should express my opinion.Go now and listen to this gay band.QQ
  3. peite m ligo diastaseis enos avatar plox
  4. Pws sas fenete to new sign m?Apoklistika made by me :D
  5. Linkin park rocks?Is metal/rock/mu metal? AHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH The funniest thing I've ever heard.Lp is like jonas brothers.Show me just ONE riff or solo that their guitarist plays.ONLY ONE!All the -beep- he is doing is playing rythms..:O Even I can do this shiats in my guitar.Nothing special.But anyway ur so simple minded..Have u ever heard Iron Maiden or MetallicA?Or something like this.LP=Advertising shiats in order to make money.Nothing more Nothing less. @ProJect why to delete our posts?It's just our opinion //end
  6. I think this share just rocks.You deserve getting +1.Keep up teh good job br0!
  7. M ekanan kai to deutero topic gia unban lock..
  8. Lol a staff member have to tell something.This was clearly Frank's and Farty's work.Webby tell something dude..
  9. Ok then Boston sweared again but it wasn't a reason for perma ban.
  10. I guess that the first "No Way" was Farty's..
  11. I think it was unfair.Farty made Frank dekarma and then ban him coz he just flamed in spam section?Are u serius? The story: Farty started showing a site with porn videos and boston reported him.And then boston just flamed him.He called him IDIOT.Is it so important?Can this be considered as a ban reason?No.. So vote.I want my biatCh back <3
  12. OMG gt sto peos efage ban o boston?Elipsa 3 meres kai ta gamise ola..WTF egine?
  13. Student.But I would love to be a doctor/surgent or something like this.I mean related to Biologie/Chemie/Physik?Maths etc.
  14. Wra na ananewseis to msn title s.WTS steam accounts,RS premium + Brazzers acc.
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