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Everything posted by Tessellate

  1. This upcomming 4 days of LCS will be very exciting, it will determine who will go to the League of Legends World Championship. Only the top 3 from NA & EU will earn tickets. For NA its pretty clear: #1 Cloud9, #2 Team Vulcun. But that third spot who will take it? For EU its like 1 big gamble, theoretical everyone can take a place in the top 3 North American: Wednesday: CLG vs C Dig vs Crs VES vs TSM Vul vs C9 TSM vs C Dig vs Vul Thursday: VES vs Crs Vul vs C C9 vs Dig VES vs CLG Crs vs TSM Friday: C vs C9 Dig vs VES Vul vs TSM Crs vs CLG CES vs Vul Dig vs CLG C vs Crs C9 vs TSM Europe Thursday: aTn vs SK EG vs NiP GMB vs MYM LD vs FNC MYM vs EG SK vs FNC GMB vs aTn LD vs NiP Friday: SK vs MYM EG vs GMB LD vs aTn NiP vs FNC GMB vs SK LD vs EG Saturday: FNC vs MYM NiP vs aTn MYM vs LD EG vs aTn NiP vs SK FNC vs GMB So here we can discuss the LCS superweek who will take what and who will go to the World Championship Only english allowed
  2. Nasus, the Curator of the Sands Abilities Passive: Nasus drains his foe's spiritual energy, giving him a natural 14 / 17 / 20% lifesteal. Q: ACTIVE: Nasus' next attack within 10 seconds will deal additional physical damage. Siphoning Strike permanently gains 3 damage if it kills an enemy unit. This bonus is doubled for killing champions, large minions and large monsters. W: ACTIVE: Nasus ages his target, slowing their movement speed by 35% for 5 seconds. The slow increases over the duration. The target's attack speed is also slowed by half the amount, initially slowed by 17.5% and increasing over the duration. If the duration of Wither is reduced by crowd control reduction, the increasing slow is applied faster so that it reaches the same max amount at the end. E: ACTIVE: Nasus unleashes a spirit flame at a target 400-radius area, dealing magic damage to enemies caught within. The spirit flame burns for 5 seconds afterwards, dealing magic damage each second and reducing the armor of enemies within the area. Ultimate: ACTIVE: Nasus summons a sandstorm to empower himself for 15 seconds, enlarging his size and gaining bonus health, 50 bonus attack range, and 100 bonus cast range. While the storm rages, enemies within 175 range take magic damage equal to a percentage of their maximum health (max of 240 magic damage per second per enemy). Nasus converts 6.375% of the damage done by the sandstorm into bonus attack damage for himself. The maximal bonus attack damage that can be gained is 300. Summoner Spells * Smite because it gives you a way better clear time in the jungle * Ghost because the increased speed will give you a better gapcloser imo then flash Ability Build * 3 points in E will give you enough cleartime for the jungle * maxing Q after will give you more damage & lower CD to max your strenght in Q more. * maxing wither as 2nd will give you more viability in ganks & teamfights Masteries * +3% Attckspd because it will help your passive regenerate more HP, why not CD? because in early stage you dont need it because of the bluebuff, and late stage you dont need it because of the items * Why not tenacity in deep defense masteries? because in my opinion the 10% reduced critdamage is more effective against critbased adc's like ashe/cait/trist. take the 10% tenacity when you fight noncrittypes adc's like ez Runes * I took this runepage becaues its the most common runepage used in the jungle, every main jungler should have this page in his runes, and since most people only have 3 pages, you could easily use this one. * You maybee could change the marks(red) into Armor pen. Or use armor for more sustain in the early jungle. Item Build Starter build & 1st Buy & Work towards core items & & Core Items & & & * Spirit vissage will help alot with the health & CDR & MR. But also with his unique passive to regenerate more health from your passive * Iceborn gauntlet will help you deal alot more damage + it gives CD & Armor * Omen will give the oppurtinity the enemies can't flee after you wither them + it gives you more CDR Why nasus jungle Pro's: * Jungling allows him to farm his Q with more ease, also get +6 on big monsters * One of the strongest late game champions * A true master in killing objects * His wither shuts down AD Carries Con's: * Kited very easily * Farm reliant * No gap closer
  3. and lost the 3rd one :( 1 more lose and my series ended Q.Q
  4. There was an error encountered while loading this video.
  5. who knows. anyway playing lol now ;)
  6. Time to hit that Platinum1 Series. Currently 97LP will take me 1 or 2 games ;D and then maybee diamond5 :D?
  7. Sziget Festival and no thursday im going to another one :) Lowlands ` hai
  8. and what does raule means? dragqueen?
  9. the word gay just says that you like other genres another lesson learned
  10. homo = male & male lesbian = female & female bi-sexual = male & male/female, female & female/male gay = homo & lesbian straight = male & female
  11. Karma highly underrated champion diamondprox & alex ich proved it can be played in competitive scene even if you look at NA soloQ's you'll see karma been played. Mostly in toplane tho. she has good poke & good mobility, easy to deny from lane. i would say risky pick, but if you manage to get it work you can carry
  12. Akali's Assassins its a fun name :) but in my gold league i was in Garen's Bears that name was op PL fanboy
  13. Platinum1 with 97lp soon diamond i hope but voted platinum :)
  14. tho it could be one of the gmods kissing the co-admins ass
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