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Everything posted by Tessellate

  1. then you learned something :D Deutch = germany Dutch = netherlands btw check this xD http://9gag.com/gag/a5drwVy
  2. that is Deutch :D, something different then dutch :D true
  3. Lets have some fun on EUW today. join for normals pm me with ur summoners :D
  4. :D no, Hello in dutch is: Hallo
  5. i will get diamond before the season will end :)
  6. korean style gank, twitch into invis mode, shen ult on him and OMG THERE IS SHEN op
  7. 20 minuts in TSM vs VES 4 turrets against 0 2 drakes against 0 1 baron against 0 9 kills against 3 3/0/6 xspecial (sona) //surrender
  8. nah it wassnt dig playing bad, its curse playing good. just Curse chasing them down worked out pretty well karthus his positioning was almost perfect!
  9. the moment scarra defeated voiboy it was like ''over'' but damn, that dignitas throw, and that last second basekill Q.Q if it took 1 second longer, curse lost T.T
  10. nasus with doransblade start not so effective, you'll lose to much mana each camp ^^
  11. gank alot, when gank succesfull steal farm carry game :) + watch other lanes, when a midlaner leaves lane, take the farm there also
  12. lets hope the best for EG! i will support them until they drop out somewhere if its the LCS or the Worlds :D
  13. you dont rly need the cd in the masteries, since you have 1st blue for sure, and i rly like to take 2nd blue also on nasus. and on every item you buy, it contains CDR. so thats why i take attackspd in masteries and not CD. i only do points in the tenacity mastery when im fighting against non-crit champs like ezreal. otherwise i think the 10% reduced critdamage is more worthfull then the +10% tenacity you get if you put the last 2 points of defender & reinforced armor in tenacious should be happy if you get 100% stunned every teamfight, you did your job well as tank ^^ hehehehe
  14. on what part? ghost on summoner spell? for gabcloser, and why then not flash? cuz if you flash 1 stun is enough to get the gab bigger again. Ghost&Wither combination will give you a guaranteed kill in what lane whatsoever Runes? the attackspeed for his passive, to get it more lifesteal. the movementspeed for to hit wither masteries? nasus is lategame champ, and will be focussed alot, with the deep masteries in defensive i can sustain alot more damage then if you take reduced slow/tenacity + you will already have enough tenacity with ancient golem items? all items will help nasus alot, and with a complete build you are tanky enough & deal enough damage with gauntlet and you will have 40% reduced CD. Maybee you dont need the Omen, but i like that item alot when you play a agressive jungler that will go for the back lines of the enemy team. abilities? after you leveld your E up to 3, you dont need more damage to kill camps, so i max Q after that for more damage, and less CD to pump it more up why i dont level wither the 2nd? because lvl1 wither has enough slow & recuded attckspd to succeed a gank, and when teamfight will start, you'll have more points in wither the only thing that is considerable for change is the mark runes, you could change that maybee in Armor Pen. but since this rune page is the most common page i use as jungler i will leave it as it is :) every jungler should have that page (attckspd, armor, mr/level, movementspeed) but thats just my P.O.V. :p
  15. My Guess: NA: #1 - C9 #2 - Vulcun #3 - TSM EU: #1 - FNC #2 - aTn #3 - GMB (but i hope for EG for the 3rd spot) for standings yes but what you think of Vulcun vs C9, if vulcun loses all 5 games, they could be out of the worlds and if dignitas loses against Vulcun in the last match of today it gives more oppurtunities to TSM & CLG
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