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Everything posted by mojzesz123

  1. i saw many srvs that failed with the grand opening(it will be hard to beat predator with that..) but this srv failed with opening beta ? that's smth new :D
  2. as the admin said in forum, there will not be any lameguard coz is too expensive ahah, not even worth try
  3. who are u and why u think i talk to u b1tch ? did i quote or smth what u said ? not. then gtfo
  4. u failed too much on predator, noone will ever play on ur srv
  5. top weapons in gm shop on x50 ? boring
  6. well im sure if i will log with tower, it will be less than half, but it will be still high online. hmm let me log ;p
  7. i beat most of them with my sph ;p
  8. when u will finally understand that is not good time for a mid rate ;s every1 opening homemade srv for what ??
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