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About sTNL

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    München, Germany.

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  1. Looking for something like this for a while! Thanks..? :D
  2. Why does your main link redirect to l2free's top brazil page?
  3. ... Myeah http://prntscr.com/g1p5mr
  4. Glad to hear that, I will keep checking the server out then :) P.S. I must say also that you guys did a great job on the NPCs :) 10/10
  5. Wasn't complaining about the difficulty of farming, that is actually very ok. It's just a little annoying it's not balanced by farming difficulty :) I tried doing duels today and it was bugging, we couldn't start a duel. Maybe it was just a glitch. Well go on and look in the auctioneer. 10% of the clan halls are to be taken with 10 gb but 90% of them with 50kk gb. And about the classes.. C'mon :) Full +16 gladi(no augments) critting full +16 archer(no augments) for 1.5k with triple slash? People are playing only mages and archers because they are the only playable classes. Tyrant crit stun 0.1% chance, summoners: hahahah, tanks: archer can solo pwn any tank, daggers 1k crit blow, warlord 0.1% chance stun vs anthy+zaken, and so on. No offense but you need to rework your skills sql :) And ok, I must admit except these details the server is indeed pretty nice. The vote reward system and market is indeed the best and most balanced i've ever seen so far, farm zones as locations are great, the rb-farming is also great, event system is working great and I like the changing pvp area concept :) Sorry if I offended you with only revealing the negative aspects of your server but some of them are critically negative. Good luck with your server :)
  6. Meh, what could I say.. Played there 2 days and to be honest there's not much to see. Farming drops are not good calculated: you beat bosses with titan and earn 2 times less than a mage farming in bog/ls/bless zone, There are a lot of small glitches: Duel system is completely not working, you have to bid 50,000,000 gold bars for a decent clan hall(impossible), classes have -9001 balance: archers and mages are the only two working classes. Every other class is dead., custom's stats are very badly calculated(not fair stats comparing heavy-light-robe), I've heard on the general chat that heroes have also some bugs, and.. yeah. Not worth playing. Classical come and go server.
  7. Both servers dead, no people online. x75 very dead: GM shop has even adena exploiting bug, plus absolutely no grinding plan.
  8. So I was wondering these days. How legal is it actually to make, for example, a lineage 2 interlude server? I mean.. You grab the l2j files, edit the server and put it online. What are your legal rights in this moment, considering you are using a NC Soft copyrighted client? Keeping the server online I suppose it is legal, since there is no official server at the moment up and the game is practically unreachable if not through private servers, and since l2j is a public project that has technically nothing to do with the client itself without any third parties. But. Is it actually legal to make money through it? Are you actually allowed to sell features from inside the client? And actually: are client modifications legal? Just a curiosity, since I started working on a server recently :)
  9. Arf, okay then i'll just start with aCis and see where do I get :) Thanks for the opinions guys, you can lock the topic up.
  10. Howdy cheaters. After searching and trying lots of packs for a couple of days, I come to you: anybody can suggest a decent interlude source except the following: L2Dot Net Interlude Project | .Elfocrash Lucera 2 Rc7.4 - Interlude | Ro_0TT L2Cadmus Source Files | djagripnos Some Ready(Compiled) L2J Sources. | 'Baggos' [interlude] Trance's L2Gold Project - Java 7 | Trance L2Excess Source Files | Handsome Banana (Banned user) L2Qua Files [Reshare] | Handsome Banana (Banned user) Lineage || Psd Interlude Pvp Pack/source | te0x [Mega Share]Interlude Files(Packs/programs/geo-Path) | GOld3x (Banned user) aCis l2jfrozen ? I mean, all I'm looking for is a simple, as bugless as possible pack so that I can start working on it with not so strong java knowledge but professional datapack knowledge. Thanks.
  11. Fishing doesn't work at all, some quests are buggy, some retail features are also bugged. Without going into details, it wouldn't be such a bad server, but then there are 9-10 online and the players' market does not exist.
  12. Authentic pvp server? Ha. Hahahahahah. 1 online. Me.
  13. Typical stereo-server. Not so interesting ^^
  14. opening failed I guess
  15. The forum is online and the clock is ticking. EDIT: Launch time delayed.
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