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Everything posted by Er4g0n

  1. i will still go with lineage 2 (3) cose it has the best politic from other games in lineage u rly need to think having best ally witch i cannot say about others :)
  2. this is indeed amazing with l2waker this could not be posible +that u can change the answers
  3. first of all is safe, second is working only think that is bad is that u cannot invite others in party if they are far from u if they are near all is fine mebe somne else have same problem or just me?
  4. L2W is better for me cose eazier way to make scripts and if u are a good scripeter u can make almost anithink
  5. WTS Items and Account Nobless Char: BD 78 Nobless Char: SPS 78 Nobless Char: SWS 78
  6. i did all same and i get same error it seems is not working
  7. ok ty for answer then i wont even bother to make it work all i need from l2net was to resetup predefined shop at every server restart so if cant be done is no good for me
  8. ogg from l2net working to set buy shop and after lets say sever disconnect bot will reconnect and remake buy shop again? and if yes how
  9. is this difrent from germanos? what version it is?
  10. i have a problem and somone mabe has solved yet: when i send party invite with OOG (with autosend partyinvite ) to another OOG the second OOG char does not recognise it i have to mention chars are at far distance 1 from another thx in advance
  11. for who did not manage to make it work delete hosts from C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc and will work i made it too verry big thx <3
  12. not working for me or i might do somethink wrong need modify hosts in sistem32/etc too?
  13. can plz upload this version with xzCrk?
  14. seems we need goood version for xzCrk
  15. IG working fine only oog is not working
  16. it seems is not working anymore somone manage to make it work?
  17. can u help mby? 100 post sems too mutch for me too
  18. can somone plz explain it step by step? there is a post but u need 100 posts to see it so if somone could help would be great
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