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Everything posted by vamav3che

  1. yes, inventory is NOT displayed correctly for SSS i use macro :(
  2. This is the new version (real , not those not working and full of viruses) , 90% working Bot attaks mobs Bot takes and ends party invite Bot spoils and assists Pack cointans also maps.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Print screen made today... (check date time and server time on walker window) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT INFO: ~For windows 7 you must wight click on l2w_load and "run as administartor" if you ont you will get some weird error and bot will not connect ~To use bot, do not open l2walker, open l2w_load and it will open walker. ~most of antivirus software will say its a virus, all walkers are detected as viruses, its NOT a virus, but use at your own risk! ~have fun ig Download link: http://www.4shared.com/file/wS1BG-eA/DRAGON-NETWORK_GARCIA_OOG_NEW.html
  3. updated topic here: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=224570.0
  4. if you can fix that will be very good i try this week
  5. dont lie to ppl , bot does not disconnect, except items in inventory that are shown incorrect, its working fine or maybe you have a problem with configure, write here or make a screen maybe we can help ya fix the problem
  6. old school rullz, i will try it if i find c0 on torrents
  7. I decided to share this for free. Before using this you must know some things! Read this and remember , is free. This walker can be used for support/nuke. Most features are working . Inventory items are not dysplayed correctly. This pack includes high res maps. This pack includes many working scripts (noblesse epic bosses and tate quest,many more) This pack WILL BE recognised by some antivirus programs like a TROJAN !(all walkers are 3th party programs and will be recognised like a false-positive or malware) Use it at your own risk! INSIDE ARCHIVE YOU WILL FIND A README.TXT WITH USAGE INSTRUCTIONS ! READ IT ! Goos luck and enjoy booting! DOWNLOAD LINK: DRAGON-NETWORK GARCIA OOG NEW.ZIP PASSWORD FOR ARCHIVE: maxcheaters My FIXES: EnterWorld pakets fixed. Fixed attak (targets and attaks mobs fixed) Fixed party (accepts party and is able to send invites) Fixed disconnects. (no more disconnects) Some buffs not working, fixed DOWNLOAD HERE: DRAGON-NETWORK GARCIA OOG NEW.ZIP pass: maxcheaters
  8. check this maybe yiu are intrested http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=213294.0
  9. this server is made by a kid on a home PC. Previous servers from this user CLOSER WITHOUT WARNING AND PLAYERS LOST ALL ITEMS. if "GM" will say thais is not true i will ddos this server untill death. lets see you noob. offtopic. dragul meu , inca un cuvant si serverul tau pica. incearca-ma.
  10. i wont share this for free cos i spent alot of time to make it work . i dont want real money, i need items in game. wts working oog for dragon network. Before trade, i will provide with all proofs bot is VIRUS CLEAN AND WORKING. (totalvirus scan and videos with date and time) OFFERS ONLY IN PM. i will make lvl 1 char to test bot. i will not provide my main char name or account . i will use proxy to hide my ip when posting here or testing bot in game. i will take all measures of protection forme and my chars identity. i will not provide support for bot bcouse its not mine,i only modify them. if you decide to pm me you agree my terms. My FIXES: EnterWorld pakets fixed. Fixed attak (targets and attaks mobs fixed) Fixed party (accepts party and is able to send invites) Fixed disconnects. (no more disconnects) Some buffs not working, fixed ITEMS IN INVENTORY ARE NOT FIXED YET. I TRY TO FOX THAT BUT I NEED TIME..ITS A LOT OF WORK, its TONS OF ID`S CHANGED> !auto mana pots work! When login some char names are not correct. this does not affect login.
  11. Server is fail
  12. hopefully i will update it today for garcia ... did all servers moved to garcia or only 9x?
  13. yes its working.... see http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=156605.0 this is why i am back on Dragon-NOTwork ^^
  14. if anyone have problems with this walker (disconnects in high populated areas or some "pbuffSend Error" ) search waby10 and open a tcp tunnel with waby. it works great and no more disconnects. D-N IP:
  15. yes, please make a guide and explain us how this works
  16. i am still searching for a stable version, all the ver i found get disconnected in ~30 mins
  17. nobody? please shere if you have, or maybe just send me a pm with dwld link.
  18. please, any1 can share a OOG that does not disconect so much?
  19. any1 is kind enough to share with me a working OOG walker for dragon-network? many thanx.
  20. some version of boot still works there, but no1 is willing to share it..
  21. Renewal lost 90% of players after Walker and l2net stopped working... noob admin... a walker for renewal would be most welcomed.
  22. any1 can share oog for renewal?
  23. gracia will be on DN servers in month....
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