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Everything posted by light403

  1. www.L2Angelic.com Server Features Rates - EXP: 50x - ADENA: 200x - Enchant Rate: 65% (Weapons) , 60% (Armor) , 60% (Jewelery) - Blessed scrolls are 5% higher than normal Server Info - Long term server online 24/7 - Latest Client Version: Lineage II Gracia Final - Castle Siege Event - Team vs. Team Event (Every 6 hours) - GM hosted events Server Features -Level 85 Subclasses - Old Style DVC, Easy to kill mobs - Offline Shops - Noblesse quest is 100% (Retail) - Duel System One Vs One / Party Vs Party (Retail) - Demonic Sword Zariche & Akamah Dual Swords (Retail) - Clan System (Retail) -> New levels 6/7/8 by Reputation Points -> New Academies and Loyals Ranks -> Reputation Points gained by Raid Bosses, Clan members PvPs, Members classes. - Olympiad system (Retail) - Hero Skills (Retail) - SevenSigns (Retail) - Sieges (Retail) - Retail Dynasty, Icarus, Vesper Weapon/Armor Custom Features - Small custom areas to generate pvp - Balanced Donations - "Boosted Areas" are places where exp and adena rate has been increased to encourage pvp ->Also drops small ammounts of feathers - Custom NPCs -> Global Gate Keeper -> GM shop -> NPC Buffer (could be removed in the future to encourage players to play buffer classes) - 1 Hour Buffs 30 min COV and Magnus - Our additional currency Angelic Feathers found only in custom areas - Spoilers can obtain Angelic Essences to purchase exclusive items only by spoiling - Dusk Sword & Dusk Shield - Titanium Armor - Increased Raid Boss levels and added a few custom raids
  2. is there a update for 3.3.0 yet?
  3. Anyone elses bot stop working last night? Mine started saying error when I open now. It was working just last night.
  4. any updates on 3.2.2 patch?
  5. If someone can crack the lastest version or beta 1.4.8 I will create a guide for this.
  6. Just wondering if you could crack the new 1.4.8 version?
  7. firefox by far the best
  8. firefox!
  9. Yay been waiting for a set! thanks for the share. Keep up the good work
  10. very nice, thanks
  11. Did this just start or has it always like this?
  12. Looks pretty good maybe i'll have to go out and rent it for ps3
  13. L2 is more fun but wow is more balanced and requires more skill to pvp but still I pick l2 in the end
  14. Never used it been playing for like 4 years i usaully just pk the botters though
  15. you could always try deleteing your cs strike folder or your config file and see if it works.
  16. The trailer looks amazing, dam I can't wait for this to come out I also think that the worgen should be horde and goblins alliance
  17. I'm not sure if this still works but you can get 1 beta key per IP address at this link http://beta.heroesofnewerth.com/whoWehAw713saef/facebook.php it use to work but they might have closed it since too many people are using it
  18. Very nice and working, thanks
  19. Very useful and works great thanks
  20. Great site thanks for the share
  21. Thanks, very nice share tested and working.
  22. If you play wow I suggest you play on a private server as if you have been playing L2 for a long time you won't like to level in retail, well at least I didn't until my friend gave me a level 70. Wow is pretty boring until you hit max level.
  23. I played both, liked 1.6 better more original and I just thought it was way more fun. Even though source is more realistic and has better graphics.
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