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Everything posted by toperis

  1. l2tales shuts down l2 window few minutes after logging in
  2. Any way to bypass that?
  3. Gettin kicked out of the game after 1min~. Any idea what could be causing this?
  4. Hey there, What do you mean you have to spoof l2tower? How do you do that?
  5. Good autoclicker, too bad it just clicks, no autotarget, targets with /targetnext which has range of 1mm, that's sad.
  6. And if I have Win7 32bit how can I start this bot without reinstalling windows?
  7. Hello everyone. Got one thing to ask. I was playing in this serv for a while http://l2deathland.lt/mid/ and I was wondering why any of bots I tried wasn't working. Maybe someone know what type of protection this server have? Or what I have to do to log in through bot to this. Sorry for my english, tried my best.
  8. It's same as phx? Phx codes will be good for this?
  9. on the top of giran temple ^^
  10. well, that's nice exploit, gonna try it oh, it's fixed...
  11. stop using phx. better make a program with pot clicker not a cheat based script..
  12. All places are good. But I prefer lethaling with bs/ee or some tank.
  13. you need to buy a weapon for him and just kill mobs, just be sure mobs are attacking you.
  14. very well done, thanks :)
  15. And what is the max lvl of the skill?
  16. well, gonna try out this one :)
  17. How to disable right click screen initializiation in l2 c6? Maybe there's some file that fixes it? Or system can be changed by some programs?
  18. Encore RedAngels SunFighters
  19. Very good looking guide. :) Looking forward to use it.
  20. There's no bugs for freya here. I guess.
  21. Is it just for walker or you can use for l2phx too?
  22. I think I heard somewhere about this bug but it doesn't work in most servs.
  23. Your farmed items will be droped on ground.
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