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Everything posted by Simple2008

  1. Only WOW I guess. All other games are cool :P
  2. Yea it would be nice if someone could share the html files passwordless. I wonder where they are from. Maybe from RPG or something?
  3. This is from the first C4 PTS leak: http://www.mediafire.com/?dmk6377y9zfpb60 It does not contain all geodata but maybe it can help you.
  4. Are you sure you are using a good L2Server.exe? Try this one it's from the first C4 PTS Leak: http://www.mediafire.com/?wsklckycupwa0lm Use CFF Explorer to add the DLL's to the L2Server656.exe. Inside CFF Explorer goto "Import Adder" and click on "Add" Select the file and select the export function on click on "Import By Name" After that click on "Rebuild Import Table" and save the L2Server656.exe. Hope this helps.
  5. Search doesn't work anymore annakin. Because of the server load probably.
  6. His english isn't helping much either Sherlock. Anyways Vangath already answered: Any new machine setup can do the job nowadays as long as u get a fast HDD for the database.
  7. There's something shared about the backdoor @ http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=208957.0 Btw. There definitely something wrong with your database columns. Check: user_data.dbo.sponsor_id, user_data.dbo.char_id and user_data.dbo.pledge_id My guess is user_data.dbo.sponsor_id If this column is missing reexecute the sql queries inside the pack you've downloaded.
  8. There are several packs posted on these forums. For example Vangath/Kation (IlExt) pack.
  9. When installing Visual Studio 2010 select custom and when selecting languages extend the "C++" option and select "x64 Compiler Tools" or something similar to that. After that @ Build -> Configuration Manager select(create) x64 platform. Hopefully my information is more useful than the information Anders gives.
  10. Try L2J :p Or buy the GF of FredBR or whoever sells those files.
  11. What kind of crash do you get? Maybe you can Pastebin.com your LinError.txt.
  12. May be a bit late but thanks for this guide, really useful :)
  13. Doesn't seem to work on the Java server I tried it at.
  14. /Care Feel free to share it or don't say anything at all
  15. There u go hCrypt in C#. using System; private const string MD5Password = "key"; private static string hCrypt(string password) { var md5Password = MD5Password.ToCharArray(); var s = (EncryptMD5(password) + EncryptMD5(MD5Password)).ToCharArray(); int j = 0; for (var i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) { if (j >= MD5Password.Length) j = 0; var calcu = s[i] ^ md5Password[j]; s[i] = (char)calcu; j++; } return EncryptMD5(new string(s)); } public static string EncryptMD5(string originalPassword) { return BitConverter.ToString(((new MD5CryptoServiceProvider()).ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(originalPassword)))).Replace("-", "").ToLower(); }
  16. Thanks for sharing :) Could make life easier for some webdevelopers around here.
  17. http://www.mediafire.com/?ewro1ejbccd39e5 Anyone ever managed to get the password? Just wondering.. could be something useful in there for developers.
  18. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user_data WHERE login > logout; This query is not 100% accurate I may have to say. When the server crashes or whatsoever online players usually stay "online" for this query.
  19. You must be really awesome that you can fix it in 3minutes. Thanks for pointing out how awesome you are again. Still.. I don't really care what your opinion is about the "hash". Just shared it to I can save Anders 3min :) (PS: I'm glad I'm still studying. Someone as awesome as you doesn't need school ;))
  20. Great for pointing out that you do know how it works. Thanks for contributing it to this topic. Really useful information.
  21. .... what a big fuzz for nothing Thanks for sharing your awesomeness Anders If you can improve the algorithm just do so and share it? C# is widely used to create web applications so it's not strange I'm sharing this at all.
  22. Since I wasn't able to find it anywhere on the net I decided to make it myself. For whoever needs it in the future :) private static byte[] Encrypt(string password) { var key = new byte[16]; long one, two, three, four; var dst = new byte[16]; var nBytes = password.Length; for (var i = 0; i < nBytes; i++ ) { key[i] = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(password.Substring(i, 1))[0]; dst[i] = key[i]; } long rslt = @key[0] + @key[1]*256 + @key[2]*65536 + @key[3]*16777216; one = rslt * 213119 + 2529077; one = one - ToInt32(one / 4294967296) * 4294967296; rslt = @key[4] + @key[5]*256 + @key[6]*65536 + @key[7]*16777216; two = rslt * 213247 + 2529089; two = two - ToInt32(two / 4294967296) * 4294967296; rslt = @key[8] + @key[9]*256 + @key[10]*65536 + @key[11]*16777216; three = rslt * 213203 + 2529589; three = three - ToInt32(three / 4294967296) * 4294967296; rslt = @key[12] + @key[13]*256 + @key[14]*65536 + @key[15]*16777216; four = rslt * 213821 + 2529997; four = four - ToInt32(four / 4294967296) * 4294967296; key[3] = ParseInt(one / 16777216); key[2] = ParseInt((((Int32)(one - @key[3] * 16777216)) / 65535)); key[1] = ParseInt((one - @key[3] * 16777216 - @key[2] * 65536) / 256); key[0] = ParseInt((one - @key[3] * 16777216 - @key[2] * 65536 - @key[1] * 256)); key[7] = ParseInt(two / 16777216); key[6] = ParseInt((two - @key[7] * 16777216) / 65535); key[5] = ParseInt((two - @key[7] * 16777216 - @key[6] * 65536) / 256); key[4] = ParseInt((two - @key[7] * 16777216 - @key[6] * 65536 - @key[5] * 256)); key[11] = ParseInt(three / 16777216); key[10] = ParseInt((three - @key[11] * 16777216) / 65535); key[9] = ParseInt((three - @key[11] * 16777216 - @key[10] * 65536) / 256); key[8] = ParseInt((three - @key[11] * 16777216 - @key[10] * 65536 - @key[9] * 256)); key[15] = ParseInt(four / 16777216); key[14] = ParseInt((four - @key[15] * 16777216) / 65535); key[13] = ParseInt((four - @key[15] * 16777216 - @key[14] * 65536) / 256); key[12] = ParseInt((four - @key[15] * 16777216 - @key[14] * 65536 - @key[13] * 256)); dst[0] = ParseInt(dst[0] ^ @key[0]); for (var i = 1; i < dst.Length; i++) dst[i] = ParseInt(@dst[i] ^ @dst[i - 1] ^ @key[i]); for (var i = 0; i < dst.Length; i++) if (dst[i] == 0) dst[i] = 102; return dst; } private static int ToInt32(long val) { return Convert.ToInt32(val); } private static byte ParseInt(long val) { return BitConverter.GetBytes(val)[0]; }
  23. And that's the only one true story :)
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