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Everything posted by antata

  1. So i was checking some of the agathions and i found something intresting But i can't understand to use their skills you need Energy? what does that mean what energy ?LOLWUT? is it some consumable or do i need to do a quest for it? If anybody can help me i will give him a free hug....
  2. Why is Wind Rider so "exiled" :D :D :D I mean he has got most DEX & best evasion than any other dagger class + he got Dodge Skill if you can get Agility Augment on your weapon then your evasion will be BEAST. Ghost Hunter has the most STR than any of the other dclasses (41) which is alot but has the lowest CON 32(he will eat alot of stun) but his DEX is allright. Adventurer has alot of HP
  3. So VOTE! Which class do you think is the best dagger! Every class has pros & cons state them here & vote!!! EDIT: There is no specific chronicle. Personally for me in IL wind rider is great, better than adv,gh. ATM i am trying out GH in freya chronicles. I dont like adv its just a too much overused class. Say for low rate,mid rate,high rate, Every class has augment for Passive:Agility Every class is max level. Closed! Ghost Hunter Wins :)
  4. LOL when i saw this i was like wtf is this even Lineage??? Im 100% gonna play it, eveything looks fking increadible!!!
  5. Can anybody point me to a server that Gracia Part 2? And it isn't moving to Final,Epilogue,Freya in the near by future?
  6. whats so hard :D you can just ask somebody ingame you wont need a whole guide for it :D
  7. Stop changing the stupid colour and do something unique... add cursed weapons effects add some boss effect on it do something just stop changing the stupid colors -.-
  8. 1st L2Gold the real the beggining of the l2gold servers 2nd l2last exile 3rd l2 eclipse
  9. nice guide idk what it actually helps o,0 If you play l2 you have to know zones where to level etc not use guides but ok :D
  10. I DONT GET IT WHAT DOES +WIT DO?!?!? i have seen it at GH and at sagi now what does it do?
  11. Can you configure it ingame like AIM chest AIM neck AIM head etc?
  12. What does l2walker actually do i have aways wonderd about this???
  13. Can somebody help me i saw in l2kungfu how there were Character PK guards like Vesper Orc Tank or Elf Dagger Guard and i was wondering if somebody nows a link to this? P.S. dont say use search how can i possibly use search on this?
  14. Sorry for double post but i dont see the difference? in video and in screenshot what is it? :D
  15. Mobs are amazing i use them on my server but i have a problem Etis van both of them sword and barehanded when being atacked do not respond they dont atack you just sit there. How can i fix this?
  16. Reminds me of l2gold zealot/frenzy reuse bug :D
  17. lol you guys sure know how to upset a guy...... YOU SERVER WILL FAIL THERE IS LAG NO PEOPLE AROUND YOU WILL FAIL..... you haters :D
  18. Dude dont make such jokes because everytime you make a joke a kitty dies :)
  19. 1minute rollback? if you were teleporting while there was a restart on the server that may have caused the problem :P
  20. just badass this reminds me of the first server i ever played on it had dual books on it gj cook
  21. It looks amazing even though its easy made i like it
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