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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. Dying but I voted NO.


    It's dying because, L2 sucks now. When I join here was only L2 section (or was the most visited/popular).

    Now l2 sucks = mxc dying but never lose a hope! Some WWE topic is on spam section so i'll stay even more :>



    BTW Im curious because I wasnt ON when Revenger and Romeo servers was opening. Someone on PM can tell me WTF happen with both these server and if was ever opened?! Tell me all I want to know ( PM ) ! Yo

  2. ++ but i didn't know him before his death.



    LOL dude!! He created Brothers of Destruction! One of the best (if not the best) manager of all TIME!! His acting, his voice - PRICELESS! Also as storyline he's dead twice or so ... rofl :D


    About Punk they fcked up a bit. As CM Punk wants Respect from people he dont respect guy who's dead for real?! CM Punk - hypocrite idiot. I said creative team is dumb idiots too ... Random person who's watching WWE for some years could make stories/feuds much better! :)

  3. happy kurwo wypierdalaj po chuj mnie quotujesz szmato? Wypierdalaj i zgiń będę chciał to będę miał 10 reputation  a ty dalej jesteś nikim śmieciu :)


    mathew stop qq about polish that fck u all time ... It's not right place.

  4. seems you didn't play World of Tanks....you have polish in your team...he will go suicide...you have a full team of polish...you don't have with who to cooperate...they are insane....i wonder if they think before taking action....


    the thing I mostly hate at them...each time I start a new round...there most....MOST be those messages : "siemka","witam","kurwa"......They are like monkeys which respond to another one...


    Monkey is ur father you racist b1tch! =)


    I can say greeks in l2 is like cockroaches, they are EVERYWHERE!

  5. I dont think he's gonna be booed, do yo remember the end of last WM's match between hhh and taker? Btw imma go to sleep for the moment, i have to do many things tomorrow, cya dude.

    PS: Y2j is back only to promote some stupids :/



  6. BRB



    BREAK THE WALLS DOWN!!!!!!!!!!

    I love guy in my signature <3



    Still chance for Cena turn heel at WM. Creative team is afraid that main face of WWE will be boooooed at WM after he beat The Rock and they think how to end it to dont get all these boo's. Only solution is to turn Cena heel.

  7. I think that face suits better to cena, heal suits best for Orton.


    When you start watching WWE? If you start 1-2 years ago its np for you but when I started Cena always play as cool guy and it's fcking boring ...


    Example: Cena won Money it the bank. He didnt used it as others, he just used it and say next week match CM Punk vs Cena. He lost it and become 1st idiot who lost MITB briefcase, but Cena is hustle loyalty respect that's why ... BORING! Watch Cena as DR Thuganomic and you will know what I mean when he turns heel.

  8. Haha, go ahead ahead :D


    Twice in a lifetime promo! That's a bit sucky ... As we know after Cena win he will raise Rock hand and hug and next day at raw say sh1ts how rock is awesome etc etc and again and again and again ... I want Cena turn heel at WM or something for SHOCKING moment instead Kiddy RESPECT cena! I want Chain gang back! WORLD & LIFE! :not bad:


    Im Cena fan since I begin with wrestling (fall 2007 year). Now Im getting bored as others who's watching more than me, that's why shouting CENA SUCKS all time. He need refresh, in creative team must be idiots that cant write a sh1t to shock people and bring them to TV for better ratings. Also PG ...

  9. Lol really? im watching it every Friday >.> Does this website upload it any faster?


    Nope. I just told u that isnt LIVE, hehe :D


    Anyway you can watch it on your site on FRIDAY via firstrowsports I watch only RAW (LIVE) PPV's, UFC, and Real Madrid matches.

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