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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. Well i dont give a fu.ck about karma but you had - karma for no reason and newcomers will think that you are a "bad" guy.


    Hyhyhy like 1-2 week ago I had -4. NP for me :D


    Wrestlemania 21-0 RIP Cm Punk.




    And Taker will dedicate this win to Paul Bearer!

  2. ps3 with 40' TV, OP. Do you have W13?


    Yea I have all SD series and WWE'12/'13


    brzoza5g if u have it too and can play sometimes. BTW TONIGHT IS THE MONDAY NIGHT RAW AND TOMMOROW I DONT GO WORK!!! HELL YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH

  3. Dont ask me but AJ boobs are awesome anyway ... I love AJ ! The best diva from current roster! <3


    And about Lesnar after he beat him at SummerSlam he wont play with game. He will just accept it I believe. Also I hope for HEELTURN Cena. Dream but I want it come true at WRESTLEMANIA!!!!!!

  4. Awesome, epic game!!


    If you like RPG you must try this. Graphic is amazing, free world to travel and a lot weapons, armors etc a lot to explore with AWESOME storyline!

    Im sad that THQ is over because I worried if there will be D3 and D4. You know The Four Horseman part.


    In Darksider 1 we played WAR:



    In Darksider 2 we played as DEATH:



    Still left FURY:






    Game is just EPIC and AWESOME! Vigil Games just GREAT JOB and I hope they will still creating DarkSiders!


    And the Four Hourseman!





    Darksiders I ending:


    Darksiders II ending:





  5. What you think about WWE Anonymous CAM ?


    Guy posting promos about anonymous guy & girl that will come back to WWE. It's full bloody and masked, doesnt fit to current WWE. Also that WWE anonymous CAM posting AJ naked movies and lot other divas. Recording them in dressing room lol. Im bit confused if its fake or true, you can find it also write wwe anonymous cam there is his like 5 promo. Watch it and what you think about it ?


    These naked divas movie I want more more with AJ !!!!!!


  6. I love new Jack Swagger gimmick and theme song! I hope he wont lost his push and WWE try make some new young superstars main eveters after old stars leave.


    BTW Zake this site u posted is cool! TO watch shows like SD. TY

  7. Cause wwe pays more.

    More sheep are watching drama fights than real fight


    Not here to offend anyone.


    What you expected getting payment for 2-4 fights in a year, and WWE tour around the world for almost whole year?


    Drama fight? Dude learn a bit or remain silence ... Wrestling as WWE isnt SPORT its E-N-T-E-R-T-A-I-N-M-E-N-T !! Go translate it maybe u will get it ... They are more than actors than sportsmen.

    I think you are clever enough to get it, if not you're dumb :)


    No offence.

  8. Cena...Come On...!

    The WWE face..! He rly suck!


    He isnt. People who book him like this sucks. Cena have one of the best MIC skills, he is charismatic and he just need good moveset+turn heel. Blame writers which book him as face making 5 moves of doom. At all Cena is good guy. Just take a look on 2012 year and when nexus appear. He promote young guys, he was taken off from the WWE title for more than year. Now he is back and at WRESTLEMANIA gonna fight for WWE title and gonna win it. Now I wish on WM Cena turn heel and beat Rock at all!!! And imagine all these fans, 1st blame boooo on Cena and after he turn heel they start liking him etc. (Just like barcelona fans ...) :D


    so much rage...still for pussy's :P

    Im not raging, just said the truth.

    Ok you're bigger pussy:)



    "He's team bring it? He's team lost, the truth is getting scary. They werent chanting rocky last week, they were chanting TOOTH FAIRY!" LOVE THIS PART!!! :D




    DAMN I want Cena Thuganomics, heel back GOD DAMNIT!

  10. Btw it would be funny to see a cm punk vs brock lesnar fight :P


    It will happen soon. I believe story line will be like this.


    One of them start losing or something and Heyman dont want looser so he offer match and who win will be his manager etc. It sound suck cause none of them start losing but maybe ... ;D

  11. IDK. Heyman will be in CM Punk corner and Brock corner probably so I dont think they will make people strange. Anyway you know Brock broke HHH arm twice so why dont he do it 3rd time, but as we know at WM HHH will win.


    Will be a bit stupid WM because most matches is easy to predict or WWE will suprise us. Anyway JOHN CENA must win against The "movie star" Rock. I want Rock gtfo from WWE cause he stop real main eventers who train whole year to be on top and the rock just came, cut kiddy crappy promos and in ME WM.


    CM PUNK is GOD! :)

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