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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. Rock worked his ass too for WWE back in the 90', he is on of the reasons that wwe is still the number one, today. John Cena came to WWE some years ago doped as -beep-, and the scenario at every match is that he gets his ass kicked at the whole match, and then he uses the 4 moves of doom and he wins.


    WWE realised that and he put him away from wwe championship for a while. Too bad, he gets a shot again at WM.


    I suggest to you to watch some videos (the ones that have remain after the massive ban from Linda) of attidute era and maybe the golden era, so you can make the comparison.


    If he worked why he come back? Not to promote WWE but promote his sh1t movies. He is noone now just ghost of the past trying to steal spot light for new BETTER wrestlers. Cena came some years ago?!?! ... And Cena is in WWE for 11 years now hahahahahaha! Stop talking if you dont even know. Cena wasnt as is now. He was heel and was one of the best of that time (PG14). Cena with those 4 moves of doom using like 2 years now and he is the person who makes the biggest emotion thats why he is TOP in WWE. His merchandise, his promos, his fights he is the best. Blame on creative team.


    About putting away from WWE title is not what you said ... Cena is always the best but he isnt selfish egoist son of a bitch ( like the rock) and he promote on him some young superstars thats why he was off for WWE titles for almost whole year. CENA loves WWE that's why he work with young and prepeare them for main events when he retire. He get shoot? Because he fcking deserve. He was off from main title for way too much. Now he won RR match and will beat the rock at WM. About the past I dont care because I dont have time. As now the rock suck wont change my opinion. Visit some wrestling forum and read what they think about the rock blocking spot for younger and better wrestlers.


    Example Y2J also said he loves this bussiness and what he's doing? Promoting new stars because he love WWE and someday he must retire but there will be another (but there never will be the same Y2J) main eventers replaced him. Y2J could easy -beep- every current wwe stars. He isnt selfish b1tch as the guy you still defending. Enjoy and mark movie star who's back to promote his sh1t movies! :)


    tooth fary, G(ay)I Joe!

  2. Let me guess. You started watching wwe two or three years ago.


    Started like 4-5 years ago so what? I cant blame on sh1tRock? Example I prefer Cena and u prefer CM Punk. I must prefer CM Punk like you or what? The rock is sh1t even if was good years ago when dino was still alive. Now he have WWE title and not even on RAW/SD! C H A M P I O N ... Young wrestlers is mad about this crap idiot stealing their spot light. Working their ass whole year and still dumb movie star in main event :)


    Anyway Wrestlemania is soon and Cena going to kick his faggot ass out! :)


    Let's say again. FUCK ROCKY SICKY POPPY! You must watch WWE when Rock beat CM Punk I guess?

  3. Bollyrulez update on facebook. Sometimes I love FB ...


    Update : We are again facing downtime because of some error. Our technicians are working on it. sorry to inform that site will be down for few days 2, 3 days.


    Inconvenience is regretted.







    Watch WWE Smackdown - 3/22/2013




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  4. Polish defenders sucks today ... we lost 1:3 ROFL! Good there is at least Real Madrid I love them more than polish idiots losing everything ...


    In Polish payment is like in england and level of the playing like mongolia, china, georgia ... FUCK THIS SH1T LETS WATCH SOME WWE!!

  5. hahaha was wondering where is topic!?



    BTW POLAND UKRAINE WHAT A FCKING MATCH! in 7 min UKRAINE shoot 2 goals ...


    Now is 1:2 ! Goal by Piszczek. Blaszczykowski assist and Piszczek shoot action by players from BvB!! GO GO!




  6. SD could be awesome. Look, everyone expect RAW to be the main show and Creative Team stupid didnt want make something shocking and worth watching on SD ... I dont watch SD now is half year (sometimes I watch skipping it).

  7. SD tomorrow, y u no watch it? WM coming


    Maybe I watch it now but I just bought (came 2h ago) AC: Revelations+AC I, Dungeon Siege III, Prince of Persia all for PS3 just for 20 euro ... :D :D :P :D :P


    I'll try find time to watch it.

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