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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. Rock will suck like last year WM. He stand only for 5 minutes after that he starts HARD BREATHING. This WM Cena must destroy him and turn fcking heel!!


    Look when Cena loses at PPV with for example CM Punk, Orton, Sheamus etc he came back next day and make fun about it and that he will be better next fight etc etc aka CANDY CENA. Now we saw at RAW he get's mad and said smth that he never tell to anybody. I hope he release his anger and will be mad at WM!! It would be SHOCKING moment, Cena turn heel and destroy Rock and nominated for SHOCKING MOMENT OF THE YEAR (SLAMMYS)! Damn if it wont happen means hamericans are idiots and they prefer all time candy sweet cena ... :D

  2. Actually im not mad, IM HAPPY!!! :D This segment show that we have LOW LOW LOW (but still) CHANCE for turn Cena heel!! He said that he never said that to all and now he opened and said he lost with HIMSELF. Rock didnt beat him at WM that can mean Cena will do something shocking. I WANT FCKING TURN!!!! IF WWE DO IT I DONATE 100EURO FOR CENA HATERS! :D


    BTW Rock perform finisher means Cena will be on top at WM. 2 weeks ...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Cena AA - rock counter fast - rock bottom - succed ! Means Cena win Wrestlemania ... When we see fight before PPV fights always the one who hits finisher will lose it. Anyway Cena's was MAD! :D


    I hope they will turn him fcking heel on movie star!!!

  4. 20130322_EP_LIGHT_rockcena-Preview_C-homepage.jpg


    The City of Brotherly Love is about to get its biggest dose of electricity since Benjamin Franklin: WWE Champion The Rock is back in town. With the various WrestleMania matches set, the Superstars are frothing at the mouth to get a piece of their rivals, from The Undertaker’s hunt for CM Punk (still at large with Paul Bearer’s urn) to Team Hell No’s quest to humble Dolph Ziggler & Big E Langston. But the faceoff the WWE Universe is most anticipating is that of Rock and John Cena, who will surely have words when The People’s Champion confronts his No. 1 contender. Here are five things to look forward to on this week’s Raw.




    Cena gonna beat him on mic! :D

  5. WOW Rock will be today! Im surprised he will show up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL CHAMPION :>


    Today RAW and tommorow I go work ... I wont miss it anyway! NEVER GIVE UP!

  6. Hogan want induct Macho Man into WWE Hall of fame ... ROFL! If they agree that means hogan back to WWE. I hope it never happen!


    'The Animal' Batista was on backstage for record DVD about HHH. I'd like to see Batista back in WWE and make Tag team with Mark Henry and destroy everything!


  7. You talking trash like rock doing all time. These kiddie jokes rocky. Yes you cant read ... I said rock came to PROMOTE his movies, Cena whole year was out for wwe title cause he was PROMOTING new young people. Just look on Y2J what he is doing now. Feud with him is pleasure for youngs and he still loses to them cause as he SAID he loves WWE and he will do everything he can do best. About selfish was talking about helping WWE. Rocky have his 'people' as the people champ in the ass and HE DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOU THINK about him, he care only for money and his sh1t movies. Its not Cena prob that creative team book him like this and you still talking crap? U said you watch wwe long enough to understand that ...? Also Im person as Cena said, im loyal so when I say it I started WWE with John Cena, mark him and I'll support him till he retire. Sometimes he is boring I accept but he is in center of this company. You can love him or hate him but he is surround by all of us. You cant change anything just live with it and when I say rock SUCKS (Dont talk about the past) so its true.


    Soon Wrestlemania comes and Cena will take what belongs to him and rocky can easy back to hollywood! Or I heard after WM programe for Rock - Lesnar starts. Lets see the future but WWE please keep him out the title!


    And if you want talk with me read what I said dont be narrow mind as rock. And line with my 'young feeling' made me laugh and my neighbor called the police ...  :LOL: :happyforever:


    BTW Enjoy it







    TV Sony Bravia40'


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